Not Telling | Chapter 1 | Mayonnaise And Memorials

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I TAP MY fingers on the wooden desk, pretending to listen to the teacher. All the information he was telling me went through one ear and out the other. I know everything, what's the point of learning it again when I haven't forgotten. I genuinely do not see the point.

The bell rings, the students all getting up while Mr. Wise tries to quickly explain our homework, however, that was mostly no use. Except for the few students, including me, that listened, the rest basically bolted out the room to get to the cafeteria, where the line would continuously build up. I grab my bag from under the desk and sling it over my shoulder.

I patiently stand outside the music room, waiting for the sea of bright red hair to come into view. After a couple of minutes, lunch time was coming to an end so I stop standing and enter the cafeteria.

When I don't spot Jade or Nic anywhere at any table or line I decide to go out and get some fresh air. Thinking they might be exploring the school more. I sit on the bench near the school garden and get out my sandwich that doesn't look too appealing. I lift up a slice of bread to see layers of cheese, lettuce and tomato smothered in mayonnaise. I cross my eyebrows in contemplation. I'm about to put it back into it's zip lock bag, not really feeling like consuming what seems like a gallon of mayonnaise (give or take), only to drop it onto my lap when a voice startles me.

"Have I seen you anywhere?" I look to the side to see a girl with jet black hair staring at me, her head tilted to the side as she examines me. "I don't think so." I reply in a tight voice. Whoever this girl is, I'm not sure I like her that much, considering she just made me spill mayonnaise all over the white skirt I was wearing, "I'm sorry, I really am." I would believe her, but the sickly sweet tone to her voice feels like she's saying it was a sarcastic undertone. "Sure you are." I drawl, getting up with my bag in one hand and my soggy slices of bread in the other.

I throw the sandwich as well as it's casing into the bin before rushing into the girl's bathroom. Rummaging through my bag for something that would solve this uniform crisis I was in, turns out to be utterly useless. I zip up my bad and drag my feet across the store to the nurse's office.

I knock on the door before entering to see a woman in her early twenties rushing around the room. "Excuse me," I start, catching her attention "I was wondering if you have any spare skirts." She opens a dark cupboard, stacked with multiple spare uniforms in all sizes. "Here, try this. Hopefully it fits." She says, handing me a skirt and plastic bag, ushering me into the change room.

The knee length skirt snugly fits. I stuff my condiment covered fabric into the bag. I thank the nurse who replies with a curt nod before returning back to her hectic schedule.

"Be sure to wash the spare skirt and return it tomorrow!" She adds at the end.

I glance down at my bracelet and press a small button, making to display 12:30. I curse under my breath. It was already 30 minutes into class. I rush into the chemistry block, and politely knock. "Why are you so late Ms. Martineź?" The teacher asks, I explain the situation, leaving out some parts. I look at him sheepishly, as I wait for his reply. "Be careful next time." He tells me before signalling for me to sit


I had kept an eye out all day, trying to spot the target, but it seems like he wasn't here, just like Nic and Jade. I make a mental note to talk to the agency, more specifically Allison. While I walk through the hallway to my car, I stop in my tracks when I see a small memorial. A memorial to someone I know.

Bouquets of flowers and folded letters rested beneath the picture of Avery Royce, my dead best friend. I plainly stare at it for a while. I squat down, looking closer to see if it really was her. I still remember her, with her puns and her rants of the new season of The Bachelorette. It brings a small smile to my face, although answer less questions lingered at the back of my head. The most prominent being 'isn't she homeschooled?'

I see a pile of blank papers and a pen beside the stack. I grab one a neatly script a message.

Jade and I still miss you. We used to watch The Bachelorette everyday, trying to perform at least the tiniest gesture to keep you in our memories. We failed in a week. Even though we didn't really pay attention or drool over the men like you did it still made us happy. I hope you've found new friends up there in your alleged afterlife inside the moon. What is it like? It it real?

I know you probably won't read this, because you can't, but just know we won't forget you.


I don't know why, but this sudden saddening aura feels like it's surrounding me, however it's also mixed with happiness and contentment. I shake my head at the feeling and gently fold the piece of paper and place it on top of the pile of letters, as I was about to get up a soft yet angered voice makes me jump.

"Who are you?"

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Hey guys,
So if you haven't already noticed I have changed Leo's name to Nicolas and Reina's name to Jade. This chapter is (hopefully) shorter that other ones coming up. I know this chapter is a little bit rushed and boring but it'll get interesting as the story goes on.

I think my updating schedule is yet to be confirmed. Especially because I want lengthy chapters, meaning it will take a longer period of time to do so. Meaning, as of now, there is no specific updating schedule I'm following.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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