A timeless arrival

Beginne am Anfang

Level: 7
Atk points: 2100
Def points: 800
Attribute: Earth
Monster type: Warrior

"Then I will throw a card facedown and end my turn your move" a card appear on Alexis side of the field behind her monster and her turn ended.

"My turn I draw, from my hand I play the spell polymerization to combine my ancient gear wyvern with a hunting hound! I fusion summon Ancient Gear Howziter!" The two mechanical monsters combine and appear on the field infront of the obelisk team.

"My turn I draw, from my hand I play the spell polymerization to combine my ancient gear wyvern with a hunting hound! I fusion summon Ancient Gear Howziter!" The two mechanical monsters combine and appear on the field infront of the obelisk team

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Atk points: 1000
Def points: 1800
Level: 8
Attribute: Earth
Monster type: Machine

"I will now use my monster ability to inflict 1000 points of damage two both of you! GO HOWELING BARREL BLAST!" The monster shot a blast at Alexis, but a barrier shielded her and sent it right back at the obelisk force member.

Obelisk force life points: 8000 to 7000

"Why did I take damage, I don't get it?!" The member that was hit by his attack exclaimed loudly and angrily.

"That would be me, allow me to explain you took damage because I was able to activate a spell in my hand call timelord redirection, if efffect damage is meant to hit us it is redirected at you and I get to draw a card and if it's a Timelord I get to summon it" Nic explains before he draws a card and he looks at it and he smiles "I drawed a Timelord, SO I SUMMON RAZION, THE TIMELORD!" A giant red monster appears infront on Nicolas.

Level: 10Atk points: 0000Def points: 0000Attribute: Fire Monster type: fairy

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Level: 10
Atk points: 0000
Def points: 0000
Attribute: Fire
Monster type: fairy

"What?! A level 10 monster summon so easily?!" A second member of obelisk force exclaimed at the site of Nicolas monster and Alexis looks at the Timelord in amazement.

'Let's do It Nicolas' Razion told Nicolas who nodded his head in agreement at his monster and friend request.

"That's all I can do this turn, I end my turn your move" the member of obelisk force told Nicolas and Alexis, to which Nicolas put his hand on his deck.

Two for one (Tyler sisters x Male reader) canceled/adopted by JesseBowleyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt