~chapter nine~

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•|Lucy's POV|•
Shock filled me and words couldn't leave my mouth for an answer. I just stared at his shirt drenched in my tears "w w w w what do you mean?" I ask avoiding eye contact "Lucy." He started in voice laced with determination but also had a slight sound of embarrassment in it "Will you go on a date with me." He ask more sternly this time, My eyes shifted towards his; his dark blue almost black eyes stared back into mine. They were addicting to stare into, you could see the pain and sorrow that he had faced but also they gave of a tough aura maybe just maybe I could fall for him. He is kind and caring handsome too I blushed at my thoughts, the redness on my cheeks got darker when I realised gray still had me in a firm hug "ok" I said in a voice I could hardly hear "pardon?" Gary said "Yes I will go on a date with you" a smile began to plaster itself onto his face "REALLY!" He shouted with enthusiasm in his voice "OH MY GOD! IM SO HAPPY. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LOG I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU TO SAY THAT!" He cheered happy tears beginning to form in his eyes "we....should.... get some sleep" I said through multiple yawns "yeah, you're right" gray said his head looking at the small pink clock on my wall "hey Lucy" gray said awkwardly, releasing me from his embrace scratching the back of his neck "um could I sleep hear? The sofa is kinda uncomfortable to sleep on." An awkward tension grew between the two "o o okay" i said shyly "But! You must stay on your side of the bed!" i shouted setting rules; a dark blush spreading across my already pink face.

•| Narrative POV|•
They both squeezed into Lucy smallish bed. Facing away from each other they eventually fell asleep comfortably squashed again each other.

•|time skip: morning|•
Early morning, Gray was the first one to stir, the morning light peeking through the curtains. His eyes flutter open to reveal that he was starring directly at Lucy's cleavage with their legs tangled in each other , his usually pale face became as red as Erza's hair, his breath became faster and more uneven. Stay calm Gray stay calm he kept repeating in his head; slowly shifting away towards the end in her bed to get off. Still in his clothes from yesterday her went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast for the two mages.

The sound of sizzling from the kitchen woke the sleeping  blonde celestial mage from her slumber. Lucy rubbed her eyes to refresh her  foggy morning vision. Just as she stood up her stomach growled with hunger guess eating before getting ready she said to herself.

Wondering towards the kitchen, she heard Gray singing along to the song that was a playing on a small vintage looking pink radio in the corner of her kitchen "never you knew you could sing gray" she said making gray flinch from the sudden interruption "h h how long have you been listening?" He said awkwardly "long enough for me to know you have a nice voice!"she chirped her reply "anywayyyy....... what's for breakfast?" She queried "um, some bacon an omelette and two hash browns" Gray said serving the hearty breakfast "sound good!" Lucy chirped, she pulled chair out for self after grabbing cutlery, salt, pepper and ketchup. Gray places the meal down and told Lucy to dig in. they sat in a silence ,but not an awkward and uncomfortable silence but peaceful and calming, just what you want on a Saturday "so" Gray started "what do want to do on our date?" he asked "well ........... I think first we should leave the guild for our 'little training break' then we could go to a cafe then to the park to get an ice cream?" Lucy said her eyes wondering  around the room while thinking of ideas  "sounds like a plan!" Gray exclaimed looking forward to the day ahead, apart from the leaving the guild part . But you couldn't blame him the noisy, boisterous guild hall had been his home since his master Ur had passed away when saving him and Lyon. those thoughts had brought a sad look on his face, Lucy had noticed this and asked "hey Gray you okay you look  kinda sad?"

"yea, well no"he said "whats up?" lucy asked wanting to know what he was thinking about "well i'm kinda sad about leaving the guild. I mean it has been my home for seven years almost eight i've made so many memories there" Gray said almost on the brink of tears, Lucy shot up and ran across the table and wrapped her arms around his neck "look Gray" she stared "You don't have to come, i'm not forcing you to come with me" she into the crook of his neck "b b but Lucy i want to come to help you get stronger" he said lifting her head to look into her eyes "you can come if you want. and i don't mind if you  decide not to come last minuet as well if you bail out i promise to send you a letter every month. okay?"  she said both of them not taking their eyes of each other "okay! and i promise i'm coming with you" after Gray spoke their faces began to move closer. just before their lips touch a voice erupted throughout Lucy's house "MORNING LUCE!" the familiar  sounding voice "NATSU!" they both said in sync and annoyed imma kill that bastard later  Gray said his head his teeth gritting together in annoyance "do you wanna go on ...................a Job?" he said his voice trailing off as waked into the kitchen to see Lucy sitting on Gray's lap with her arms wrapped loosely around his neck "umm so are you two a thing now or something?" Natsu asked waving his index finger at the two. Gray eand Lucy's face both turned red at Natsu's statement "Get OUT!" Lucy shouted leaving Gray's lap "but do you wanna go on a job? It pays exactly your rent!"Natsu asked a second time with a big bright smile on his face "oh um sorry I was planning on not going on a job today." natsu stared at Lucy blinking a few times because normally she would never pass up on a job that payed all her monthly rent "why not?"Natsu asked, before Lucy could say anything she was interrupted by the squeak of Gray's chair on the tile floor "she doesn't want to. So shut up and go away squinty eyes" gray said making his way to natsu "why should I leave!" Natsu shouted "Because she told you so! If you where a good friend you would appreciate your friends wishes and not leave her for some silver-haired takeover skank!" Gray said practically spitting the statement at Natsu. Natsu was taken back by Gray's statement "she's not some take over skank!" Natsu shouted defending Lissanna
"Yes. She. Is" gray said in reply his finger pushing natsu closest to the door "now leave" gray states in a venom laced voice and a dark devil like glare as natsu's back was pressed against the door. Natsu shuddered, gray's glare practicality burning into his soul. Natsu's had reached for the door Handel; quickly opened the door and not running but walking quickly "I'm coming back tomorrow" Natsu shouted before he left as well as flipping gray off. "You didn't have to do that gray" Lucy said in a small voice "yes I did because I love you" gray said smiling brightly , his sunny smile and words making Lucy blush deeper than Erza's hair "anyway we should probably get going" Gray said his eyes sifting playfully at the door "yea we should. Let me grab a bag and put my shoes on!" Lucy said with a giggle in her voice.

•|time skip|•
Lucy and gray stood nervously in-front of the guild halls large doors "Hey Gray we don't really have a plan" Lucy said nudging Gray in the elbow "um I guess we should go to the masters office?" Lucy nodded "sounds like a plan!" She exclaimed quietly. they wondered in the doors seeing nothing out the ordinary apart from Natsu and lissanna fondling over each other; Lucy glanced in the direction on Natsu and Lissanna but soon looking back acting as if nothing happened your a strong girl Lucy. You have to move on you have more and better people in your life. You shouldn't be hung up on some some hotheaded, fire breathing dragon slayer Lucy said in her head a confident facial expression appearing on her face. Gray noticing Lucy face made him smile at how cute she looked with that sort of expression plastered on her face. " hey Mira!" Lucy shouted to the bar maid "oh good morning Lucy and gray" Mira said with a smirk appearing on her face "we're going to the masters office" Lucy said
"Oh okay! But why?" Mira said I questioning look on her face "um we just need to talk to him" Lucy said fiddling with i piece of hair "okay! See you when you two come down!" Mira waved them off. Gray and Lucy didn't respond but did wave as they made there way up the stairs

Finally they reached the Masters door. Both sucking in a hard breath as Gray gave a heavy knock to the door "come in" the masters voice rang though the heavy red door "ah gray and Lucy, what brings you hear?"Master said. The two wizards   Looked away from the master felling guilt "me and Gray have decided to take a break from the guild to get stronger" Lucy started tears building up in the corners of her eyes "how long will you on this break if yours?" Master queried   " a year to a year and a half" gray said looking at Lucy to see if she agrees, she nodded notifying Gray that it was good "also could we remove our guild marks?" The masters nodded hiding the sadness of two loved members leaving with no expression he removed the guild marks, letting a water fall of tears fall "master don't cry will be back!" Gray said trying to lighten the mood Lucy nodded rapidly agreeing with gray's  statement.

The two left the office with sad looks in there faces "hey are you two ok?" Mira asked them from the bar below the masters office "yea where fine!" Gray said his voice croaking from the lump in his throat "will be leaving now" Lucy said not making eyes contact with anyone as they walked down the stairs "oh.....okay!" Mira said waving them good bye.

The two made their way to the door both scared at was to come next, would this whole plan fail? Everything they had done, to getting the courage to leave and sharing secrets that know one else knows. They burn just stood in front of the door thinking will this be worth it? Should we do turn back? Many questions ran through their heads. Not Lang later they both turned their heads towards each other nodding the pushed the door open.

This was it they where free. Not guild wizards anymore. Two lone wizards able to do whatever they want.

1912 words

Sorry this was over due and took so long and also i know then ending was weird and rushed I just really wanted to get it done. Also I know I promised that this chapter would have lots of GrayLu moments and it didn't. But the next chapter is going to be the date so... yea.

Okay bye


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