Park Chaeyoung Imagine

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"Babeeee!" You heard your girlfriend call for you. You decided to pull a prank on her so you went out for a little bit. Rosé walked into the living room and you weren't there so she checked in your shared bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom and even asked the dog she bought for you on your birthday.

"Where is she?" She asked herself. You walked around Seoul to catch some fresh air as you were about to pass a corner you ran into Jisoo and Lisa.

"Y/n?" Jisoo questioned. "Y/n-ah!" Lisa yelled and engulfed you in a tight hug. They hadn't seen you since you and Rosé moved in together two years ago.

"Where have you been? What have you and Rosé been doing? Is she good in bed?" Lisa asked.

"Lisa!" Jisoo screamed and smacking the girl causing everyone's attention to go on them.

"Are you two always this crazy?" You asked.

Lisa pouted and Jisoo just glared at you. You laughed as you all went to a place to hangout and to catch up with each other.

Meanwhile rosé was getting worried about you. You hadn't called nor texted her that you were gone. She couldn't wait any longer for you to show up so she went out to look for you on her own.

"I can't! My stomach hurts!" You laughed as Lisa kept teasing Jisoo about her love for Jennie. Jennie and Jisoo have been dating for a while and neither one of them has even purpose to the other.

"Jisoo you're getting so red! Maybe Jennie could fix that for you." Lisa teased.

Few seconds later rosé walked inside and found you alone with Lisa and jisoo.

"Y/n?!" Rosé yelled.

You stood up and walked towards her.

"Babe this is not what it looks like." You try to explain.

"Oh, yeah, well it sure looks like my girlfriend would rather spend time with my members than to cuddle with me." Rosé says irritated and hurt that you chose Jisoo and Lisa over her instead.

"Baby please it is not what you think. Me,  Jisoo,  and Lisa all ran into each other. I still love you babe." You explained.

Jisoo and Lisa were already gone as there was a big crowd surrounded you and your jealous girlfriend Rosé.

"If you didn't want to cuddle with me that is fine. But you don't need to do it behind my back. I thought we told each other the truth but I guess not see you around y/n." Rosé said.

As she was about to leave you turn her around and kissed her making her melt into your arms.

"I only love you and there is no way that is going to change what I feel about you. Rosé I love you and you should know that.  There is no need to be jealous." You say.

Rosé smiled and hugged you tightly as you kissed the top of her head hugging her close to you.

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