Chpt 3: " unexpected arrival ?" 🤨😧

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Flashback : 10'years ago

Juggie glady jughead mother spoke to her almost 12 year son his baby sister next to her

Jughead sat up from his bed and tuned the sleep out of his eyes

Jughead sat up  from his bed and tuned the sleep out of his eyes

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"Yes mom ? " He asked still some what sleepy

"I am leaving honey. I will miss you. "She spoke so calmly
Jughead was shocked at her words

"Why can't I come mom ? " He asked
He knew his parents drought a lot be didn't think she would ever leave him and his father

His mom paused at stared at him with tears on her face she quickly wiped them away so he couldn't see

But he did he saw

"Cant come with me honey am sorry ".., she said in a low voice to make sure his little sister stayed a sleep

"Can at least know why? And when your coming back please momma ? " He said in such a sad and worried tone his mother was leaving him

Glady hesitated. She wasn't sure if he could handle the truth but finally despised he should no

Jughead waited for her answer

"Well jug ... do you know what a soulmate is ? "Glady said unsure if her son knew what that mark on his wrist was

Jughead looked at his crown shaped mark with the marks bc.

He slowly nodded trying to put to and together

"Well jughead your dad is my soulmate but am not his " she explained he took every word his mother said to heart

She explained how sometimes soulmates aren't meant to be

"Do see why I can't stay here sweetie. "Glady spoke to her son who was listen to every word she had said

"Yeah" he said in low voice.

"And I don't know if I will come back but one day I will try to come back and maybe I will stay how does that sound. "She asked trying cheer him up

"Sure "he replied at that she kiss his forehead. And took jellybean to the car and that was last he saw her he took her speech to heart he doesn't believe he will ever meant his mate

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