You became someone I know no longer knew before my eyes.

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You became someone I know no longer knew before my eyes.

You became something that I could no longer call a "friend"

You became jealous over the guy I liked.

You told me I was making you unwell.

You told me it was my fault.

You told me to apologise. 

I told you I would and I did.

I apologised for nothing. 

That was my first mistake. 

That was your ammo. 

You became not the person I had become friends with. 

You became someone I feared. 

You controlled me.

You said mental health was a label.

You made me feel worthless.

I know it was a opinion.

That opinion was about me. 

We argued so much. It was control. 

That wasn't a friendship 

I'm sorry. 

You were fine for a while. 

You were absolutely lovely. 


You told me I hadn't told you abut my birthday and that's why you brought me nothing.

you lied

you told me that I hadn't invited you to London when I did.

You make sure you told another story.

You made me feel guilty.

For nothing.

You made me feel ashamed.

You lied to my face.

You lied to my other mate. 

You called me immature and then told me you wanted to hear my side.

You knew it was control.

A year later after my other ex best friend disappear from my life.

You saw a gateway to prod me and make me feel like my mental health was not valid.

You lied. 

You made sure I was under your control.

You made sure my mental health wasn't valid. 

You told me I didn't listen to you. 

You told me you tried to help me.


You were making it worse.

You tried to make me someone else.

You make sure I didn't feel valid.

You make sure do it before  I went on holiday causing me to have a mental health breakdown. 

You make sure to do it before I went to a new college.

You carried on everyday.

You made me  sure that you were still perfected.

You made sure that what you did was blamed on someone else.

You made sure to lie.

 You made sure I knew this. 

But now...

You've lost that control.

You are no longer part of my life.

I am finally glad that I am no longer listening to you.

I am finally glad I know longer feel the way I did when I had a mental breakdown.

I am finally  free.

I have nothing to thank you for. 

You replaced all our good memories with bad ones. 

Painful ones.


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