Chapter One: The Travel

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The sound of a phone rings starts ringing and Taka picks it up. He says "What happened, I was about to fall asleep." The guy on the phone replies "It's your boss, get down here, Gwen and Kestrel are already here, there waiting for you." Taka says "Ok I'll be there in twenty minutes or so." He hangs up and gets out of the house.

Twenty minutes later
Taka opens the door and Gwen walks to him. Gwen punched him in the stomach with intensity and he bends down. Taka says confused "What was that for." Gwen answered "Do you think I wouldn't notice." Gwen slaps him in the face and Taka holds his cheek. Taka says confused again "Did I do something wrong?" Gwen tells him "Why were you in my house, the boss called to my house, and you picked it up." Gwen raises her hand and the boss shouts "Stop! You have work to do." Gwen puts her hand down and Kestrel sits down on the couch. "So what do we do now" Kestrel says calmly.

The boss says "There's this rich guy that doesn't seem to have guards and he's been spying on us. Who knows what he's seen, so you have to kill him, and get his money." Kestrel says "He probably has guards well hidden, we'll keeps our guards up just in case he has any guards." Gwen says "Well, where does this guy live." The boss answers "He's in Gythia, you guys will have to travel there and find him." Taka says "In Gythia, are you kidding me, will you lay for our transportation or something." The boss said "Here's $6,000 this should get you there."  Gwen grabs the money and they head out the place.

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