back from the future

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Kara sat in her apartment, her eyes scanned the copy of Romeo and Juliet that Mon-el had left behind. She chuckled at some of the things he underlined.
A nock came from the door. Kara jumped up in excitement, thinking the pizza man or Alex had finally arrived.
"One minute!" Kara yelled twords the door, walking over and grabbing her wallet in case it was the pizza man. When she opened the door, she was met with a slightly taller, familiar man.
"Hey kara..." Mon-el waved awkwardly at her. Kara was stunned. She hadn't seen Mon-el since he went back to the Future with Winn.
"Mon-el!" Kara said, hugging Mon-el tightly to her.
"I missed you too." Mon-el said hugging her back tightly. Kara pulled him down to her by the shoulder and kissed him quickly.
"What's that?" Mon-el asked, pointing at the book Kara held.
"Oh, it uh- it's nothing..." Kara said, trying to hide it behind her back. Mon-el looked at her in disbelief. He reached behind her, but Kara wiggled out of his reach.
"Seriously Mon-el it's nothing." Kara protested, trying to hold the book out of his reach. Mon-el swiftly picked Kara up, trying to get the book from her.
"It's gotta be something or you wouldn't be Hiding it." Mon-el said.
"Mon-el put me down!" Kara said, trying to fly away from him.
"Not until you show me!" Mon-el said, pulling her back to him.
"Mon-el!" Kara whined. She was stuck now. Her arms at her sides as mon-el hugged her tightly
"Show me!" Mon-el smiled.
"No!" Kara protested.
"Show me." He said, kissing her this time.
"Never!"she said, trying, and failing, to wiggle out if his grasp. He kissed her neck this time. Kara gasped but kept her cool now. Mon-el let her down and chuckled.
"You don't have to show me. I'll find out myself." He said smirking at her.
"I don't know. I'm pretty good at hiding things." Kara said, now holding the book behind her back.
"Kara you tried to that you were going to make me breakfast, but woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me." Mon-el Said.
"Thats different." Kara said. Mon-el chuckled.
"Okay. I'll let you hide it." Mon-el said. He put his hands to his eyes and started to count down from 10. Kara flew quickly around the apartment and put the book back were she found it. When Mon-el was done counting, he searched around the house for the book.
   He purposely didn't look in the space he hid his copy of Romeo and Juliet. That was a surprise for kara's birthday, so he didn't want to spoil it. When he couldn't find it, he went and sat by kara.
    "I'm the best hider!" Kara silently celebrated.
     "You are damn good at it." Mon-el said. A nock on the door split them both. Mon-el went to go find a better hiding place for his book, and Kara went to answer the door.
    When Mon-el got his book, he looked through the pages, making sure he didn't forget to underline something. When he saw there were more lines then he expected, he looked again. Next to the phrases Kara's handwriting wrote his name. He smiled softly at the words she underlined.
    "Oh you found it!" Kara jumped when she saw Mon-el sitting next to the bed.
     "Oh. Um yeah..." Mon-el said, getting up and walking twords her. "This was supposed to be a birthday present. I was too afraid to give it to you.." he said.
    "Oh... Oh no! I wrote in it. I'm sorry." Kara said, her face going pink.
     "No, don't be. It's adorable." Mon-el said, kissing her softly.
     "You have it then. You have a picture of me and you in there. For when your in the future." Kara said, pushing the book onto his chest.
     "Kara... I couldn't. It's your present." Mon-el said.
     "I insist! It's important to me that you have it!" Kara said.

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