First 'I love you's

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      Kara danced around her apartment in one Mon-els big shirts. She didn't see a need for pants considering the shirt covered her parts.
   The music playing in her apartment was loud. Kara liked it that way. She often danced around her apartment, but today she was dancing more violently. She jumped around her apartment and nocked into tables and chairs.
    "Babe?" Mon-el said as he walked into the apartment. His words were barely audible over the loud music. Mon-el watched as Kara jumped around the apartment. Her eyes were closed as she danced. Mon-els eyes drifted to Kara's exposed legs. Occasional glimpses of her underwear caught Mon-els eyes as before her shirt fell back down past her waist.
   "BABE!" Mon-el yelled. Kara still couldn't hear him. He decided to walk up to her. He hugged her from the back, causing her to jump. When she saw Mon-els face appear on her shoulder, she kissed his cheek. Kara turned the music down to a reasonable volume. Kara highled as she turned around to face Mon-el.
   "You know, you were sleeping when I left." Mon-el smiled.
    "You were gone for a while..." Kara said, kissing him.
   "I was only gone for 5 minuets." He protested.
    "Did you get the stuff?" She whispered. Mon-el held up a white take out kit.
    "Bacon!" Kara said, reaching for the white box in Mon-els hand. Mon-el brought it back, causing Kara to fall farther into him.
   "Not yet! We gotta share!" He said. Kara pouted at him. Mon-el smiled as he walked over to the couch with Kara. Karas eyes were fixed on the box of bacon. When they were finally sitting on the couch, Kara took the box of bacon from Mon-el.
    "I love bacon." Kara said.
    "I love you." Mon-el put a hand over his mouth, hearing what just spilled from it. Kara's face flushed red.
    "... I love you too." Kara said. Mon-els eyes went wide. He grabbed her by the face and pulled her into a passionate kiss.
   "I just said I love you! Cause I do! I love you!" Mon-el said rambling. He couldn't help but talk when he was happy. He just told Kara something he had been holding in for month.
    Kara's lips came crashing onto Mon-els again. As they kissed, Kara threw the bacon Box onto the table. Mon-el grabbed her by the hip and pulled her closer to him.

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