Chapter Five: A new friend

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But Emoriah didn't mind the many tales they must have pinned upon her already for Carnarvon was a small town. And a small-town equals plenty of gossiping hens.

Up ahead Emoriah spotted a willow tree with massive weeping branches, as they graced the sand with brushing strokes. Emoriah pushed aside the vine-like branches and stepped into the dark covering of the tree.

Emoriah swirled around relieved to see that she was hidden away from all curious eyes. She sat at a gnarly knot protruding from the tree and dug her toes deeper into the cold grains of sand.

All she now needed was a good book.

Emoriah had barely leaned her back against the bark of the tree when the branches were moved again by a girl around her age. The girl stopped in surprise and tucked a long strand of silky black hair behind her ear.

"Oh, I'm sorry to intrude."

Intrude my arse! She probably just wanted a closer look at the strange girl from Europe.

"Hey, we're good right?" The girl's soft voice said, breaking the awkward silence between them.

Emoriah lifted her head from the ground and pursed her lips.

Girls were never nice to her. Never. The very fact that this girl was talking to her was puzzling and flipping unbelievable.

Emoriah nodded her head and glanced up to the girl's large chocolate eyes.

"I'm Emoriah."

The girl stretched her small tan hand out in the air, and Emoriah after a hesitant second shook it.

"I'm Raven. By the way man, I'm loving your eyes." Ravin said, flipping her curtain of silky tresses behind her shoulder.

A large smile then broke upon Emoriah's face at Raven's words.

Maybe just maybe she could make her first friend.

"Alright spill. Tell me what people are saying about me. Gosh and don't say they think I'm American."

The girls had been sitting and playing the sand for the past hour, as the sun was just setting sending a colorful rose and tangerine display across the clouds in the sky.

"No. Though they did mention it. Most people are just saying your Irish." Raven leaned and whispered softly in Emoriah's ear.

"I do have to say I believed them at first. But I'm glad you're British it makes you the prim and proper one of the two of us." Raven said, in an atrocious British accent, before cowing over in laughter.

Emoriah laughed along with Raven shoving her lightly in amusement. As their laughter died down Emoriah noticed the setting sun and stood to her feet.

"I have to go my Aunt wanted me back before seven."

Emoriah watched as Raven glanced at the watch latched across her wrist before looking back up with wide chocolate eyes. "It's seven thirty."

Emoriah barely threw a proper goodbye before dashing through the massive branches of the willow tree and tearing across the slippery sand.

"What's your aunt's name?" Emoriah heard Raven yell behind her. Emoriah twisted her neck over her shoulder.

"Jane green!" But Emoriah never heard what Raven replied back, as she tripped over a log and face planted in a graceless tumble.

Flipping fantastic!

Spitting the bits of grainy sand that stuck to her tongue Emoriah sprung back up to her feet and forced her tired body back into a run.

She would not be late!


Hot puffs of air sprouted from Emoriah's small mouth, as she grabbed the doorknob and made her way in the house quietly. Looking around the dark kitchen a relieved breath drew from her lips as she saw no one around waiting up for her.

Walking over to the refrigerator she grabs a small red apple and bits into its crisp skin.

She didn't know she was this hungry.

Closing the refrigerator door, she spotted a dark figure behind it.


The figure reached up to them to the wall and flicked a switch basking the room in bright light.

Emoriah blinked the brightness away from her eyes and studied the unpleasant man leaning towards her.

Barmy! What the hell was a man doing in here?

The man was handsome, but something loomed behind his calm stance and cocky tilt of his stubble chin. Something dark.

Emoriah stepped away from his leaning daunting figure and narrowed her eyes in his direction.

"Who are you? And why are you in my kitchen?"

The man brought his head back in an unsettling laugh.

"I know for a fact that this is not your kitchen sweet little Emoriah." His deep voice did nothing to control Emoriahs fears, as the man stepped his way closer to her.

"How d-do you know my name?" Emoriah stuttered nervously, as her feet backed away from his.

"Didn't your Aunt Jane tell you? I'm her boyfriend Jack." He now stood a few inches away and raised a rough hand to grip her chin tightly.

Emoriah flinched back as his hard fingers pressed deeper in her skin and stormy blue eyes pierced through her.

That was going to leave a bruise.

"Stay out of my way. Will, you do that sweet thing?" He whispered calmly, too calmly.

What a wanker! What was his deal? And why the blaze was her aunt dating him?

But a dark glance from his frightening eyes stole the nod of obedience from her before she really could do any damage. Letting go of her chin he stepped back and glanced over her slowly.

"Good. Very good."

With another piercing stare, he left through the back door. Emoriah fell back against the kitchen table breathing heavily, as she shivered the crawling awareness away from her skin.

Oh, prat!


So what do you guys think of Jack?

or Raven?

Comment and Vote below!!

Till next time:)

Unshackling the King (The Dragon Lorde #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ