I stared down at my hands on my lap.

Yesterday was surely one hell of a day.

First, the mysterious Antony.

Him telling me about the fake bet.

Him knowing about James and me.

Second, I getting a panic attack.

And passing out.

Third, Cole deciding to bring me here.

Him confessing to me.

Me slapping him.

Like wow. I never thought I would slap someone. That was my first slap, to be honest.

"Want me to drop you home?" Cole asked me.

Of course. Do you think I'm going to walk that much to reach my house?

Cole rolled his eyes.

I guess I said that loud. Again.

"Anyways, how are you feeling?" Cole asked, placing his hand on my forehead.

I felt those sparks again. Maybe I wasn't well.

"I feel weird," I said, casually.

"But you're temperature is normal," Cole said, raising one of his delicate eyebrows.

I find it very sexy when boys raise one of their eyebrows, instead of raising both of them.

"I just feel..." I trailed off. I didn't know how to explain.

A smirk broke upon Cole's face.

Why wa---

"I know what's wrong," Cole said.

I merely raised my right eyebrow at him, signaling him to continue.

"You're under my effect." He said.


"I said--"

"I know what you said, I mean, how am I under your effect. What effect are you talking about?"

"Now, now, you don't have to hide it. I have this special effect on girls. Because let's admit it, I am a beautiful sight for girls."

I rolled my eyes.

And here I was thinking that I am the biggest narcissist in the country. Cole just proved me wrong.

"What time is it, monkey?" I asked him.

Cole looked around him. As if he was searching for something or someone.

"Who?" He asked me.

"The monkey," I said.

"Where is the monkey?" He asked.

So he is going to joke. Well, two can play a game.

"Oh, you know, the beautiful sight of a monkey who is sitting beside me," I said.

He rolled his eyes.

How can someone look so cheerful even after getting his heartbroken last night?

You didn't exactly break his heart.

Yeah, but...still.

There is one thing I felt when I was with Cole yesterday.

He is a good guy.

Wait, wasn't he a bad boy?

He is...but he's also a good guy.

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