Taehyung looked at the leader. "Hyung what do we do now? I want them to make up."

"Don't we all?" asked a sarcastic Jungkook. He got a glare from Yoongi because of his disrespect.

Jimin was in his room, reading comic books and trying to relax even if he was really stressed with balancing everything. He thought this was the longest their group had come to try and resolve a fight. He rarely fought with the eldest, and if he did they were only playful bickering. So why had it escalated to this? Even he couldn't understand. A small part of him wants desperately to make up with Jin and make everything normal again but a bigger stubborn part of him doesn't want to admit to any fault or mistake.

Before he could go deeper in his thoughts his door opens and Hoseok comes in wearing a weary smile.

He puts down the comic and Hoseok falls on top of Jimin. They both lay down in silence, Jimin waiting.

Hoseok then lifts his head to look the younger in the eye, who never felt such intensity radiating from this particular hyung other than choreography.


"Jimin-ah when are you going to stop this?" Hoseok asks directly, unflinchingly.

That makes him stop and stay silent. Honestly he doesn't know when things will be okay but he really wants them to laugh and be silly. Just their own selves. He wants this problem to stop but he doesn't know how to.

"Hyung I-"

"You know, you've broken Jin-hyung's heart by being like this." It makes Jimin's own heart ache at hearing Jin's pain was caused by him. He licks his lips nervously.

His eyes lower to the hem of his shirt, unable to meet Hobi's eyes. He stays silent and tries to understand the gears and whirs of Jimin's mind. He had just gone to Jin and he wanted them to make up since it was also hard for the eldest to be cold and careless to one of his sweet dongsaengs. Well what more if you just avoided a sweet angel? Jin mostly catches himself staring at him longingly to play but he always remembers at the last moment that they've fought, and he wants the younger to learn a lesson. He hopes he understands. But the distance was becoming too much and Jin often found himself crying for him and for Jimin. He wishes to hug the little cherub close to his chest.

Hoseok stares into Jimin's eyes, which remain locked on some imaginary thing he supposes. Well if he won't talk then nothing's going to get better. He stands to get some juice but before he could turn the knob a soft sniffle reaches his ears. He immediately turns to see Jimin sobbing.

He finally met Hobi's eyes and he is shocked by what he sees: teary eyes and red nose. Gosh he looks so heartbroken it makes Hoseok's heart twist uncomfortably. He rushes to the younger and lets him cry on him. He wails incoherent words that sound like 'Seokjin-hyung' and 'I'm sorry' and 'I love him'. His small hands grasp the fabric of Hoseok's shirt and the rapper could only rub his back and pat his arm. Now he sees him break.

Jimin wakes up enveloped in Taehyung's arms. On his other side was Jungkook and they were both sleeping soundly. He couldn't tell what time it was but he was really thirsty and hungry.

So he carefully untangles himself from the two and silently walks to the kitchen. He notices the yellow lights are already on and he wonders who is still up at this late hour. Three steps in and he considers going back to starve.

Unfortunately his stomach doesn't agree and it rumbles the moment Jimin turns to take a step. The other whips his head around and looks at Jimin with waiting eyes.

He sighed, discovered. Having no choice but to feed his tummy he goes back inside and looks at Jin awkwardly. They don't lock gazes for a long time since Jimin was busy rummaging the fridge. He takes a glance at Jin's plate: apples and a few beef leftovers. He searches the fridge once more and finds milk and some cookies.

He tentatively takes a seat across his hyung and starts eating silently.

Jin glances at the younger a few times. He still looks cute and beautiful even when it's nighttime or already one am. Him? Well messy bedhair and droopy eyes. Not exactly the type of face you want to see. He's still hungry even after two plates of food. Well he didn't eat dinner much since he wasn't in the mood to eat.

"So how was your day?" he casually asks. He could tell Jimin was shocked because of the start of conversation but still he answered.

"Same old same old." After three chews he added "Practice was tiring though. I think I lost my tempo."

He shook his head. "Nah. You were great. You still gave it your all Jiminie." Aw crap. The nickname just got out. Old habits die hard indeed.

He sees the other blush at the address and figures he's still safe.

Jimin fidgets in his seat and finally tells himself to look the eldest in the eye. He loses confidence when he reached his shoulders and settled for rubbing his sweater sleeves together since they covered his hands. "You hyung?"

"Fine. I stumbled a lot of times." He chuckled at himself. Jimin unconsciously smiled at hearing the familiar laughter.

Without noticing it he met his eyes. "Don't worry hyung you were still perfect and great out there. No matter what you always give your best and that's enough for me. I- I don't wanna see you suffer." He bit his plump bottom lip after that.

Jin smiled warmly at his blushing dongsaeng. He's still sweet and caring.

Then they both blurt out "I'm sorry." They look at each other with wide eyes and realize faintly it's the first time they've had eye contact after ten days.



They stop and stare at each other and faster than you can say 'Worldwide Handsome' Jimin says in a much louder voice "Hyung I'm sorry please don't forgive me." After that he bows his head low, afraid.

Jin stands to go closer to the third maknae. He gently touched his shoulder and he waited for him to raise his head. "I'm sorry too my lovely Jimin."

The younger's eyes immediately brim with tears and Jin holds himself to control his urges as a comforter. He wants Jimin to ask to prove to him that he is indeed the eldest and the most playful but he can be two things when the members most need it. Right now the eldest hyung is being asked for.

Jimin's hands ask for Jin's presence and without hesitation Jin holds him close, just as he imagined doing after their fight.

"I was wrong," he cried in his chest, small fists gripping the front of Jin's shirt. "I- I was wrong. I sh-shouldn't have doubted you. But I was just so angry and stressed for some reason that I had to let it out on you and you don't deserve that because you're the most kindest and wonderful p-person I've met an- and..."

Jin strokes Jimin's pink hair to shush him and he runs a big hand over his back, enough to send tingles down his spine, enough to calm him down and tell him he's forgiven, that he's sorry too.

A contented smile then grows on Jimin's face, and that night they lay in bed wrapped in each other's embrace.

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