Chapter 5

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Danielle Pov
"If you don't mind I like to stand and she can sit" I said to Reiji and Yui went to sit down. I went to the beside the door we came through and lean on it. "Know tell who are you both and how did you enter this house" Reiji demanded. Boy can't he talk a little nicer, poor Yui is getting paler by the second at how he's glaring at her. "My name is Yui Komori and that's my brother, his name is..." Yui was rudely cut off by a boy with redishbown hair, he was leaning on the balcony "What's this I see a cute human girl has come to visit us" he said. How are you so chill, Yui, about these guys, while I'm getting a weird vibes from them and... he doesn't noticed me, how rude; I'm your guest too. I tune them them out and took my phone out my backpack. Plug my headphone to it and putting the volume way down because, it looks like their talking about something important. When did Yui move and there's three other guys in the room now. A purple hair boy; he looks like he haven't slept in years and he hold a teddy bear with a eyepatch, a boy with white/pinkish hair leaning on the wall with a huge hole in it and a boy with blond hair sleeping on the couch not so far from him. " Could it be" said the blond guy "Could what be Shu" demanded Ayato. What!?!?.. his name is shu; his mother must have been high when naming him pfff. " Answer the dam question" yell the purple hair guy squeezing the bear. " 'He' called me...and said there will be two guests from the church" the guy finished in a lazy manner. And Yui thought I was lazy. " Two but there's only one" said the redishbown hair guy for the balcony; he's sitting on the couch which Yui was sitting, I bet that's why she move ,I can feel the prevertioness ( Is that a word) coming off him. Ayato was staring at right at me while Reiji just look at me sideways. Now everyone is staring at me, "Take a picture it last longer" I told them, " The name's Danielle Komori and don't wear it out" I said leaning off the, walking over to Yui rapping an arm around her shoulder. "A dude" yell white/pinkish hair boy, "So you got a problem" I said glaring at him, he just huff. Yui looked up at me, I winked at her. The boys looked at Yui and me, like their studying us. "I don't think your a boy" smirk the redishbown hair boy. "Pervert" I whisper shivering. "So these two are the brides" he said "Hey I'm a guy" I told him"What ever you say honey" he wink at me. I give him a blank stare. " Is that all" said teddy bear guy looking away, "More like sacrificial brides" Ayato said. "Oh.. he said we should kill especially the younger one" shu said opening his eye, pretty. " Brides!?.. we were told about being anyone's bride" Yui said sweating. 'That bastard, the next time I see him, he's going to die'. " Anyways.. you all act weird" she told them. "Really Yui" I said facepalmed

Third Pov
" It look like I there's no mistake, let me introduce you both , my name is Reiji Sakamaki; the second eldest, that deadbeat over their on the couch is Shu; he's the eldest,the triples Ayato, Laito 'redishbown hair guy', Kanato 'teddy bear guy' and the youngest Subaru 'white/ pinkish hair boy, they named him after a car pfff' " Reiji said introducing everybody. "I'm going to call father.. where's my phone" Yui said looking for her phone in her sidebag. " Are you looking for this" Ayato said waving her phone around. "My phone" Yui ran over to Ayato for her phone "Please give me back my phone" she begged trying to reach for it but Ayato is holding it up high. Subaru grab the phone out off Ayato's hand "What are you doing?" Yui ask "This" he said crushing it. "Hey I was going to ask what time is it" Danielle said. Yui gave her a 'Are-you-for-real' look then backed away from Ayato and Subaru. Laito grab Yui shoulder with Kanato beside him and they start talking. Danielle took her phone out her pocket to look at the time. They all stop and look at her, "Oh it's 4:00pm, I'm feeling hungry, who what's pizza" she ask then Ayato teleport in front of, grabbing her phone. In doing the he pull off her sunglasses; it hit the floor and headphone. He crushes both her phone and headphone then smirk. She hold her head so her hoody cover her eyes "You bitch, I was going to order pizza, you owe me pizza and new phone and headphone" Danielle said turn her back to him. Ayato stood their shook 'this sent that is coming off her is so imtimidating' Ayato thought . Yui fell on the floor holding her knee. 'Really Yui being a clumsy, right now isn't good' Danielle thought. "Yui you okay" Danielle asked. Yui started to shake in fear. "What's wrong" Danielle ask frowning, Yui then point behind her and yelled,"Vampires!!" "No shit Sherlock" Danielle told her with a blank face. Yui took out her pink cross " Take this you monster" Yui yelled. The room went quite....
"Hehe...haha...hahaha...g-give haha...Me a m-minute hahahaha" Danielle said dying of laughter. She turned binding over away from them laughing. Everyone is staring at her like she's gone insane. The laughing fit stopped and Danielle stand back straight up causing her hoody to fall and her hair to flow down her back. The boys was 'Aww' stroke when she turned back around. "It's a girl and she's beautiful" they thought expect one, Laito, ' I knew it was a girl, she's really beautiful" he thought. "Yui didn't I tell. Holy crosses and water, garlic, sunlight and those other shit don't work, you should read more" Danielle said wiping the tears from her eyes. " I don't know how you know that but it just shows you how mortal can be inbeciles, it annoys me" Reiji said. Danielle was going to give a sassy remark but Yui grab her and start run out the door. Danielle turn and wave bye at the brothers before the door closed.


Hey guys I asked my friends to pronounce DANIELLE, they say ' Daniel~ le'
But it's pronounced, 'Daniel'
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~ Ashley

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