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A lonely Alice Smith sat at the bar in the Whyte Wyrm, her head hung over an empty glass of tequila. Hog Eye quickly swapped it out for a new glass and side of water.

"Thanks, Hog Eye." She said not looking up from the bar.

It was now close to midnight and Alice was the last one there. Hog Eye began picking up cups and cleaning off tables.

"You wanna talk about what's on your mind?" He called from the other side of the room.

"Hog Eye, have you ever been on love?"

That made him stop dead in his tracks. He sighed at the thought. "Yeah, once."

"And what happened?" Alice asked then took a big gulp of tequila.

"She, uh. She didn't feel the same."

Alice felt like she could relate. "I walked in on FP kissing another girl." She gulped back the last of the tequila in the glass and wiped her face.

Hog Eye went back to the bar and began wiping down the bar. "Now that doesn't sound like FP. It doesn't sound like him at all."

Alice raised an eyebrow at the untouched glass of water next to her. She could feel the alcohol starting to get to her. "Yeah, that's why I'm confused." She frowned and thought through every possibility as to why he would do that, but she couldn't really come up with anything.

"You shouldn't be confused." A voice called from the other side. Alice and Hog Eye both looked to see who it was.

"What the hell, Hal?" Alice rolled her eyes and sipped her water.

"He's a snake, Alice. He can't give you the life you deserve." He walked over to the bar and motioned for a drink.

"I'm a snake too, and I don't serve prejudice Northsiders." Hog Eye said glaring at Hal.

Hal squinted at Hog Eye but sat on a barstool next to Alice.

"And what kind of life is it that you think I deserve, because I can tell you right now, I'm not the person you think I am."

"You deserve a life away from the Southside miscreants. You deserve a life that is worth something!"

Alice slammed her drink down and it sloshed all over the countertop. "You mean a life with you? A life where all you're going to do is bring me down and tell me what to do? A life where you're going to control everything I do?"

"Well, it's better than what that bastard FP just did to you! How can you have a strong relationship if you can't even trust each other?"

Hog Eye stood up straight and set the glass he was cleaning down. "I think it's time for you to leave." He said to Hal.

Hal looked up at the Serpent who was towering over him and slid out of the stool.

But before he left he leaned over to Alice and whispered in her ear. "Just think about that, baby."

Alice almost got up and punched Hal, but she let him go.

Right as he walked out, FP walked in. He stared between Alice and Hog Eye waiting for an answer as to why Hal was there. Normally Hal wouldn't be caught dead on the Southside.

"Don't worry, I was watching him closely the whole time." Hog Eye answered without even being asked.

FP nodded then looked at Alice. "Babe, I'm so sorry! Gladys kissed me! We were working on a project for science so she came over and she kissed me. I didn't kiss back, I promise!" He slowly made his way over to Alice with his hands in the air like he was surrendering. "Right when you left I told her to leave and I plan on pretty much never talking to her ever again! Come on, babe, you have to believe me! I am so sorry! I will say it a million times if you want!" He would have gone on but Alice stopped him. She took his face in her hands and kissed him hard.

It was a quick kiss but just enough to tell him that is was okay. She walked out to his truck and got in on the passenger's side.

"My house or your?" He asked.

"Mine," Alice said. "My parents are expecting me home tonight.

FP shifted the car into drive and drove off to Alice's house.

They both sat in silence the entire ride home, but FP waited till they were outside the house to say anything.

"You're being quiet tonight. You okay?"

Alice was fiddling with her fingers. "Yeah, it's just that," she sighed, "you know what? Never mind. Goodnight, Babe." She reached for the door handle but FP placed his hand on hers and she stopped. 

"You know you can tell me anything, Al." He was looking at her with his big beautiful eyes. She didn't want to look at him because she knew she would just melt away with his gaze.

"We've been through so much together FP. I've been through so much, but in this past year since we've been together, it's felt like I can do anything as long as you are there by my side. It's felt like it's you and me, Alice and FP, against the world. It's been amazing! But then, I saw you and her, and my world felt like it fell apart! It made me feel like this entire year was a big lie!" A single tear dripped down her cheek. "I can't have that happen to me again. It just hurt too much."

"Hey, look at me." FP said and touched her chin to get her to look up at him. "It will never happen again. I can promise you that. You have to trust me on this!"

"I do, FP! I trust you! I trust you more than I trust myself! It scares me sometimes how much I can trust you!"

FP knew exactly where she was going. She didn't want to put all of her trust in him and then that just causes him to hurt her worse.

"Alice," He brushed some hair that was in her face back and leaned in so close that she could feel his breath. "I will never ever do anything to try and hurt you."

"I know FP." She wiped away her tears and leaned back in the seat.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a light come on. It was her mom coming out to see what was taking so long.

"Good night, FP." She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the lips then got out to greet her mom on the porch.






Hey guys. Sorry it's been a while since I updated this fic. These past two weeks have really gotten ahead of me! I haven't gotten any sleep and I wasn't supposed to babysit this past week but my niece's babysitter decided she was going to extend her vacation an extra week and leave her with me. But anyways, I hope I can get some writing done this week, so stay tuned! 

Also, This chapter is a throwback chapter to when Alice and FP were still together. I think I might do a few of these in between every few chapters. So I hope you liked it! Let me know what you thought please! <3

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