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Alice walked home at a pace that was almost a run. Tears kept coming no matter how hard she fought them. "How could keep this from him?" She kept asking herself. She wished that she could go back and redo everything. Maybe she would actually be happy. Maybe she would actually be in love again. Maybe she would feel like she wasn't one of the world's most hated people.

When she got to the front steps of her house, she wiped away all of the tears from her face and held her breath so that she wouldn't cry.

She stepped inside of the house and there Hal was waiting for her on the couch.

"Now where were you?" He asked while standing himself up.

"Doing the project," Alice said quickly and went to the stairs. She tried to not look at him so that he didn't ask questions as to why she was crying.

"Pop's was closed. So where did you go?"

Alice sighed. "We went to FP's trailer." Her voice cracked as she held back another wave of tears. She walked up two steps then stopped when he began talking again.

"And what went down over there?"

"We worked on the essay, as always, Hal." Alice rolled her eyes.

Hal raised an eyebrow; he had a suspicion that she wasn't telling the whole truth. "And you guys are done with the essay now so you won't have to be together anymore right?"

"A little jealous are we, Hal?" Alice turned to face him.

"Baby," He went to the step where she was and held her lightly by her shoulders. "I just can't trust this man anymore, not after what he's done to you!"

After what he's done to me?

"You can't trust him or you can't trust me?"

Alice glared at him and he stood there speechless. But she suspected that it was both.

Alice turned back around and walked up the steps to her room.

She sat on her bed and thought about what came next. Would FP want to be a dad? Would he want to be there for the birth? Would he just cut her off entirely?

She wondered what she would tell Hal. Maybe she could go forever without telling him – like she planned from the beginning. Or maybe FP would tell Hal just to spite her.

Alice sat on her bed asking herself so many questions that she broke down from the stress of it all.

How many stupid mistakes am I going to make before I make a right choice?

A few minutes later, Hal was knocking on the door.

"Can we talk?"

Alice nodded her head but sat playing with her fingers.

Hal sat down next to her and stared at the floor. They both sat there waiting for the other to say something, so Alice decided to start the conversation.

"How can we go on if we can't even trust each other?"

Hal looked at her. "Alice, baby, you can trust me with anything!"

Alice fought back tears once again. "That's the thing, Hal. I can trust you with something. But can I trust you to be there for me when I need you? Can I trust you to be there for this baby? Because if you continue going out and getting drunk like you do or leaving me here while you're out at football practice when I'm stuck here in this room, then I don't know if I can."

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