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It's senior year and Alice Smith and Hal Cooper are together just like he had planned. Alice and FP Jones had broken up after a long and pretty serious relationship on March 17th and haven't talked since. But there is one thing about this scenario that Hal had planned differently in his head: Alice Smith would not be pregnant with his kid.

When Alice told her parents about the pregnancy, they kicked her out so now she is living with the Coopers in their mansion over on the Northside of town. It was like hell on earth for her to wake up next to him every morning but she assumed she would just get used to it at some point - She would have to if this was going to be her life from now on.

But summer is finally almost over and she no longer has to spend every waking moment in that monster house. She gets to see her friends and eat lunch with her friends. No more making small talk with her mother-in-law-to-be!

The only thing she isn't looking forward to is the stares she's going get when people realize that she is knocked up. Last year she was able to hide it easily with baggy clothes, but not so much anymore. She is now six months into the pregnancy and is starting to show a bit more than she had hoped.

The first day of school is quickly approaching and Alice is getting both excited and nervous. It's the first time she will see FP since last school year and he does not know about the child growing inside of her.


This intro is basically just the description but I didn't have enough characters to fit all of it in the description box. The actual story will start in the next chapter.

If you don't want some possibly heavy language then please don't read and please don't leave hate comments if you don't like Falice. The title specifically states that this is a Falice fanfic so if you aren't here to enjoy a story then leave :)

Also please leave comments! I love to hear what people have to say! 

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