Not A Date

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After she left the classroom, Alice hopped on the bus to get back to Hal's house. Hal had football practice after school today so it was either get on a nasty bus or sit in the nasty bleachers and have to smell sweat the entire ride home, so Alice went with the better option.

The bus pulled up right in front of the house and a group of teenagers jumped off quickly and Alice followed behind.

When she got inside, Mrs. Cooper was sitting at the dining room table reading the paper – the paper that the Cooper family owned and the one that Hal soon would inherit.

"Alice, how did your day go?"

Alice stopped in the doorway. "It went well, Mrs. Cooper." Alice thought that Mrs. Cooper was the sanest and the least arrogant in the family, so it was easier to talk with her than anyone else.

"No one said anything or did anything to you about the baby?" Mrs. Cooper laid the paper that she was holding down on the table.

Alice thought through everything that happened today and debated on telling her, but she didn't feel like going into detail.

"I mean I got a few stares and stuff but nothing too bad." Alice tried to brush it off like it didn't hurt.

"Why don't you come sit and we can talk?"

"Actually, Mrs. Cooper, I've got some homework to do." She nodded her head and Alice ran up the stairs to her room. She leaned against the door and sighed.

One day down, 260 left to go.

Alice pulled her bag off her shoulder and slumped onto her bed. She felt like taking a nap but she needed to start reading that book. She only had a month to read it and do a report on it. So she pulled it out of her bag and began to read.

Before she knew it, two hours and five chapters had gone by. Dally had just shown up at the old abandoned church that Ponyboy and Johnny were staying at. She was about to start the next chapter when the landline downstairs had rung. Mrs. Cooper answered and called for Alice.

"Alice, there is a man by the name of FP on the phone asking for you!" Mrs. Cooper shouted. Luckily Hal still hadn't arrived home. If he had, he would've thrown a fit!

Alice was reluctant to answer but she went downstairs and took the phone from Hal's mother.

"Hello?" Alice answered.

"Alice, hey it's FP."

"Yeah, I know. I- ho- how did you get this number?" Alice stuttered.

"Someone from school." He said it quickly so that she wouldn't ask questions. Now, Mrs. Breaux said we're going to have to make study dates." He said very nonchalantly but also in a flirty way.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, she did," Alice sighed.

"So when are you free?"

"Let me give you the number to the line in my room so I don't have to stand in the living room to talk about this." Alice gave him the new number though she knew she would probably regret it, then she ran back up to her room to wait. Right as she closed her door, the phone rang. She waited for it to ring a few times then answered.

"So which days are you free?" He asked right when she answered.

"Um, how about Saturday after lunch. I'll be finished with the book by then and we can start writing."

"Okay, we can meet at the Wyrm." He was referring to the Whyte Wyrm bar on the South Side. They used to go there almost every day after school to grab a drink and hang with some of the Serpents. But ever since she got knocked up, even the thought of alcohol made her nauseated.

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