Chapter V This Was Not A Hallucination

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"Lilly," Azlyn was crying. She was crying and laughing, choking on her tears. She felt as if the cumulonimbus clouds had parted, and cumulus clouds now accompanied a picture perfect blue sky.

"Um. Not to burst your bubbles or anything, but there are more of these guys left. They will be back soon. We should get out of here," the handsome man said, quite awkwardly. Although, it was a very confident awkwardness.

Azlyn had totally forgotten about him. "Right, uh. Let's go. The rest of the group is like, a few miles back. I'll uh, lead you guys there. Come on Lill."

Stepping outside, holding hands with her new found hope, Azlyn didn't know where to put this happiness. She couldn't find space for it in her heart, so she put it in her brain. Not a very good idea. In fact, it was a horrible idea.

Thinking about earlier events, Azlyn said, "Um. I was chased here by someone trying to kill me. He might still be out here."

"That's alright, we'll get him if we have to," the handsome man said.

Alright, everybody gets annoyed when you do not have a proper name for an important character. I'll skip to the part where the handsome man is named.

"So, what's your name? I must properly thank you, and for that I need your name," the handsome man said.

"Erm, I'm Azlyn. What about you?" Azlyn replied.

"I'm Calvin Faye. Well, Miss Azlyn, I must thank you with the utmost respect, for saving me and this little girl, which I take it you know," Mr. Calvin Faye said. He bowed.

Azlyn couldn't help but giggle. The handsome man with the handsome name was funny. "Yes, I do know this little girl." She patted Lilly on the head.

"Although, I must ask, what is your last name? It is for visual purposes. I like to think of people with their last names," Calvin said with his voice dipped in a bowl of mischievousness.

"My last name is Hunter," Azlyn told him.

Recognition spread across Calvin's face. "Hunter, as in Syn, June, and Kael Hunter?"

"You knew them?" Azlyn was actually quite disappointed. Great, another person her parents hadn't told her about.

"Are you kidding me, they were the best Fighters I've ever worked with! A pity they died. I was never told how. May I ask?" Calvin said.

"I'd rather not talk about it," Azlyn answered. "Let's get going."

Because of the joy that came with finding Lilly, Azlyn had totally forgotten about her broken ankle. Now she could feel it, throbbing, but strangely numbed. Walking was not a great idea to her, but she toughed it out. Apparently she didn't tough it out well enough.

"What's wrong?" Calvin asked.

"I, uh, broke my ankle chasing arch-humans," Azlyn said, trying to make what had happened sound more glorious than it actually was.

"Want me to carry you, Hunter?" Calvin grinned. He was joking. Obviously he couldn't carry Azlyn all the way back to the restaurant.

"Oh my gosh you're just like Haddix. You only wanted to know my last name so you could bother me," complained Azlyn. She wasn't really complaining. She was laughing.

"Who is Haddix?" Calvin asked. He instinctively finger-combed his silky black hair to the side.

"You'll see when we get to the restaurant! He's pretty awesome! He's Lilly's brother, and he'll be so happy to find her alive!" Azlyn was practically squealing. Ow, my ears throb.

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