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Donghyuck was organizing his kitchen, making sure each and every of the utensils, bowls, cups and plates were in their correct places. He put all of it away nice and neatly while he began to set his table. He wasn't the cleanest of people, but his mother was coming over and so it wouldn't kill him to pretend that he's clean for tonight.

The smell of freshly done paint was surrounding his new home, he enjoyed that smell for some odd reason. But, knowing his mother might comment on how strong it was,
he made sure to buy an air freshener this morning to make life easier. He sprayed the house with the clean linen scent.

Now his house just smells like a laundromat, but whatever he wasn't the best at picking out air freshener scents. But to be completely honest, Donghyuck loved the smell of clean clothes so it didn't bother him. He smiled as he looked around his clean home, well he just moved in so it's not like he had to do much anyway.

"All boxes stuffed in the closets? Check. Sheets on my bed? Check. Kitchen items away? Check. Smell of fresh paint gone? Check." Donghyuck says, double checking everything.

He was about to sit on his couch and stuff his face with cherry pie until a loud knock interrupted him from doing so. He had no coffee table in his living room just yet, so he placed his pie on the couch and headed to the door.

"Mom you're here so early— hey, you aren't my mom! You are my annoying neighbor. Why're you here?"

"Woah, calm down pretty boy. That's really not a nice way to greet your neighbor."

"Well, I'm not exactly happy to see you so." Donghyuck whispers to himself.

"Uh what was that?"

"Nothing, nothing. Why're you here?"

"I figured since yesterday wasn't so pleasant for a first meeting that we could try it again. Oh and I brought you a home welcoming gift. It's my roommate Lucas' famous brownies. I think you'll love them, he cooks great."

"Oh, um thanks." Donghyuck says taking the tray of brownies, the smell immediately filling his nostrils.

"I'm Mark, Mark Lee." Mark says putting his hand out for Donghyuck to shake.

"I'm Donghyuck."

Donghyuck reaches out for Mark's hands and shakes them.

"It's nice to meet you again in a more nicer way." Mark says placing a kiss on Donghyuck's hand.

"Excuse me, kissing a strangers hand isn't a nice thing to do. That's just weird." Donghyuck says, snatching his hand out of Mark's grip.

"Well, I know your name and that you are my neighbor. So we technically aren't strangers anymore. Besides, I couldn't resist it, I mean you really are a pretty boy."

Donghyuck just cringes. "Why the hell are you so fucking flirty? Are you like this with all of your neighbors."

"No, all of my neighbors were never as pretty as you."

"Ugh, how cheesy."

"Welcome to the neighborhood, pretty boy." Mark says, followed by winking. With that, he stepped off of Donghyuck's porch and went back inside of his home. Sparing Donghyuck one last glance, before closing the door.

Donghyuck just stood there stunned, before he to, closed his door.


I just wanted to update this.

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