🐰Thug Life🐰3

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The brunette glanced outside through the window to ease his burdened mind. Since when was it not burdened? Taehyung knows that gazing at the empty wide space with trees and rocks or what he specifically calls, the nature, isnt going to help him at all. Its just going to be another day he has to make through alive. That is if Falcon got no missions for the day.

But their boss Hyunsik wasnt the best. Sure Taehyung agrees that hes pretty and all but hes twice as much deadly. He is a cold hearted man who never even once smiles even when he gets the news that they succeed at what he told his gang to do...Never in a thousand years would he smile, Taehyung is damn sure of that. It was like their lives were at his mercy. And the world was cruel.

"Mphhh~~~" After getting fresh, the boy let out a long groggy groan as he stretched his limbs and walked out of the room in his messy bed hair and his oversized tee shirt paired with pink shorts. He rubbed his eyes and opened them to be met with his hyungs scattered around the table, some eating and some talking. But Taehyung's eyes quickly caught attention of Mark who was sitting on a chair with his legs crossed and Youngjae and Jin beside him obviously cracking dad jokes.

"Hyung!!!" Taehyung squealed. He had no specific reason as to why he did that, he basically did it whenever he saw one of his hyungs when he woke up or when he got in trouble. It was obvious that Mark was Taehyung's favourite in Falcon and everyone knew that. Plus he gave him free food and money any time. How can he not like him? Mark likes to brush it off as Taehyung using his aegyo to trick him.

"The sleepy monster is awake...and here he comes-" Just upon saying that Mark had witnessed Taehyung jumping over his now clear lap like a bear and hugging the life out of him. The elder's cheeks quickly dusted pink at how much of a baby Taehyung was even till now.

"Oh god what will we do with you Tae..." Jin chuckled as he poked over the mole on the youngers arm.

"Don't touch my elephant's eyes!!" Taehyung gasped swatting Jin's hands away to which the elder snorted.

"Stop trying to act like a baby you grown ass man!"

"But you still want to baby me admit it!!" Taehyung pulled out his tongue.

A ravenette watched from the corner pretending to not get affected at all as Jimin sat beside him on the floor, going through Bambam's collection of magazines because there was nothing much to do.

"Hey Kook. Tae told me something about Gucci yesterday. Like what even is that thing...? Can we eat it??"

Jungkook widened his eyes at the unexpected words but then again he couldnt blame him...The only things they were familiar with was robbing and stealing....Getting no answer from the said male, Jimin pouted and continued to turn the pages. Jungkook was just lost in thoughts about things again...They never really got to know the expensive side of the world outside...

"Ok for real are you threatening to not get off my lap if i won't pay you!???"

Jungkook heard the voice of Mark soaring from the other end of the hall and his fists unknowingly clenched realising that Taehyung was still on his lap. Why was he so keen on getting money anyways?? It was not like he was going to buy a mansion with it.

"Hyungieeee~~~" Taehyung said with an unintentionally sultry voice which made Mark freeze and stare into his brown doe eyes. It was slightly teary maybe because the brunette was still half sleepy but he couldn't deny that he saw shining stars inside of it. His heart was racing too to add to that.

"Please hyung~"

Taehyung took the chance to lean his head forward until his face was only inches away from the red head's, his hand sneakily trailing towards the elders pocket to pull out a few notes. Taehyung saw how Mark struggled to keep his gaze fixed between his lips and his eyes with full interest. He kept his expression monotone until he slowly lifted himself up and away from the elder who was put to trance.


Taehyung whispered shyly seeing how Mark was still lost and completely dumbfounded but then Jin's and Youngjae's giggles bursted from the sides to which he suddenly came to a big realization....

"I fooled you again!!!!"

Taehyung laughed as he jumped up and down, flaunting the bucks in his hand as Mark gave up while covering his face in disbelief. Taehyung gets away like this. Every. Time. Talent Mark says. He fucking lures him every single day and Taehyung thinks it's a joke.

Jungkook watched in pure disgust as he grit his teeth and looked away. Wow. How cute right? Acting like a slut and then playing like an innocent baby. Wait why should he even care??


And there he's back with that boxy smile on his face which forced Jungkook to bite his inner cheeks in utter hatred. Why was he even here in the first place??? Jungkook thought they were done. Jungkook thought Taehyung didn't need him anymore. Even the tone in the name Kookie sounded fake to him now.

"Kookie look what I got!!" Taehyung thinks it's funny when he flaunts a few bucks he "earned" right after grinding on someone's lap. Jungkook just wanted to hate the sight but isn't it true that it would happen to him too if Taehyung did the same to him as he did to Mark..? The boy was unbearably attractive and there was no lie to that...

Like as if they were still the bestest of the best friends Taehyung just sat over Jungkook's lap like it was a normal thing to do but the ravenette flashed him a cold look unlike other days were he would smile for the brunette's sake. Because changes happen.

"Aahhh i wish i could go get me some new clothes with this" Taehyung sighed, lying over Jungkook's chest in the most natural way ever possible, his ass right over the ravenette's crotch just like last night which the elder hates. Why can't Taehyung just get it?? They weren't kids anymore. Specifically Jungkook.

"Right Kookie???" Taehyung pouted and Jungkook just had to say those words which got Taehyung completely off guard...

"How much more do you need?"

Taehyung narrowed his eyes as he slowly lifted his head and gazed into the elder's cold eyes...


"I asked how much more do you need. Tae."

Taehyung bit his lips and got off of the man immediately while putting on a fake giggle. He didn't clearly understand why but that somehow hurt. The way the ravenette was eyeing him like he was trouble was enough to make his lips droop down immediately.

"I didn't come for that- haha!! Kookie you got me wrong!" Taehyung pointed at him and giggled again but this time... Jungkook didn't smile..He simply didn't. The awkwardness and the fear got to him like a needle piercing into his heart. With a smile Taehyung walked away into his room as Jimin watched dumbfounded at their conversation as for Jungkook he knew for sure Taehyung was hurt. He certainly did the wrong thing.

The brunette shut the door close and took a deep breath. He was right. Jungkook just didn't care anymore...

On the other side of the room, in the expanse of the wide hall, a ravenette let out a deep sigh and thought to himself.

"What the fuck is wrong with me..."

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