Chapter 16 - Not You Too

Start from the beginning

"Of course. See you later, Kevin and Aris. And congratulations on your new home and being back in New York."

"Thanks, Shane. We'll walk with you to your truck."

All four of us got up and made our way to my truck.

"Thank you for the invite to the housewarming. I had fun cooking."

"You're welcome, Bliss. And you and Shane won the cooking contest. Here is a bag for you, Shane. And, one for you, Bliss."

"Aww, thank you, guys." Bliss gave Kevin and Aris both a hug.

"Goodnight, guys." Then, Bliss got in the car.

"We will have you both over another time, Shane."

I got in my truck. "Goodnight, Kevin and Aris." Then, we made our way toward Long Island.

While on the way to Bliss' house, "It's early, Shane. How about we go to Walmart for movie snacks and watch a marathon at my house?"

"Good thinking because I was just about to suggest the same thing." "To Walmart, we go."

We were in traffic for about two hours. By the time we reached Walmart, it was 10:00 pm - stupid traffic. Bliss was knocked out and asleep in the passenger seat. She has a soft snore.

"Bliss, love, we are at the store. Do you still want to watch movies?"

She snorted and woke up out of her sleep. "Huh? I fell asleep, didn't I?" She said as she was wiping her eyes.

"Yes, you did." She didn't chastise me for calling her 'love.'

"And, I am guessing you heard me snore too. Am I right?"


"Sorry. I just started doing that over the past couple of years. I'm awake now. So, yes, we are still watching movies. I am paying for the snacks," Bliss said to me.

As we were walking towards the store, Bliss was lagging behind me. Once I reached the sidewalk, "Look out!!" A car was speeding towards' Bliss. She froze as she saw the car coming her way. I grabbed her hands and snatched her close to me. She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest. The floodgates were open - she couldn't stop crying.

Several people ran over to where we were standing. "Oh my goodness!! Ma'am, are you okay?"

Bliss stuttered, "N-n-no." She was shaking really badly as she held on to me tight. So, I rubbed my hands up and down her back to calm her down.

Another person came over. "I was able to snap a picture of that car's license plate quickly!"

"Can you text it to me? My number is 444-246-8024."

"Shssh, sweetheart, I will find out who did this to you. They are dead meat when I do."

I heard my text notification. I reached into my pocket for my phone. "Is this your number?" I showed the gentleman my phone.

"Yes, that is my number."

"Thank you so much for taking that picture. What can I do to thank you?"

"Mr. Landes, you don't have to do anything. I just did what any civilized human being would have done."

"You know who I am?"

"Yes, sir. You are well-known in the Long Island community as one of the nicest rich people. You have done so much for the community here - by building the parks and helping clean up the streets. We will stay out here to see if that car comes back."

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