"Jeremy I'm out of arrows, can you-" Odd started to say, but Aelita had just devirtualized him. Just Yumi and I fighting. 

"Hey Aelita, try to catch me" I taunted. She growled something and shot an energy field at me. I vanished into smoke, went around her feet and popped up about to knock her over. Aparrently she had been expecting me to do that, and kicked me instead. My back hit a tree really hard. I used my sword to absorb the energy making it glow. 

"Take this" I said, I swung my sword. The energy absorbed shot out at her in a wave. She formed a shield with her energy fields put together.

"What's going on, I-" Ulrich began.

"Willium!" Ulrich exclaimed, he jumped to his feet and flipped out two swords.

"I'm not the one Xanaified remember, Aelita is" I told him. Ulrich, without apologizing, sprinted towards her. He swung his two small swords, but she dodged one and caught the other in her hand. 

"Hey I taught you that" Ulrich said, she retreated to a distance holding one of Ulrichs swords leaving him with one left. The sword in Aelita's hand glowed red. While Aelita was distracted by fighting Ulrich I used my super smoke to get behind her. 

"Lets go" Ulrich said. He swung at Aelita and knocked the sword out of her hand. Aelita did a flip as she dodged the attack. Ulrich rolled and as he did so Yumi jumped. Her feet hit Ulrichs feet, he pushed her up into the air. Yumi threw both her fans. Once she landed she immediately started using her telekenesis power to move one her fans lower to the ground. When the first fan missed her the next one swung back low to the ground. I held my sword ready to attack in case Yumi missed. Lukily the lower fan hit Aelita in the back devirtualizing her.

"Nice job" I said, resting my sword on my shoulder.

"Allright time to devirtualize the tower, due north" Jeremy said.

"Aaah!" Jeremy screamed. "Make. It Quick" Jeremy wheezed. 

"Oh no Marie must be attacking him!" I said.

"Hurry then" 

At the Lab:

Jeremy coughed as the Xanafied Maried threatened to strangle him.

"I'll get rid of you and your friends once and for all" she said laughing. 

"Hurry" I whispered. I tried to fight back, but it was futile.


"Hurry William!" Yumi told me. They ran behind me, Ulrich closest since he could almost catch up to me. I was using super smoke again, my smokey form slithering one the ground. I popped back up next to the tower and hurried in. After heading up to the second platform the blue interface appeared.


Jeremy couldn't breath, his windpipe was close to being crushed completely. 


William put his hand on the interface.

"William..." the screen read. "Code... Xana.... Lyoko" the screen read. Willai let out a sigh of relief when it went from Xana to Lyoko.

"I'll bring you back in" Aelita said from the lab, no longer Xanaified. In a few seconds Yumi, Ulrich and William were devirtualized. 

(Hey I hope the whole fight thing with the Xana controlled Aelita makes sense. If it doesn't please comment or imbox me) 


Everyone sat in the lab, very quiet. 

"Where, where am I- I oh" Marie stuttered as she woke up. She looked around the lab and at the computer looking amazed, but I knew she wasn't. She couldn't be since she's seen this place already.

"Marie, I admit I was going to ask you if you knew about this place. Please answer, have you been here before?" Aelita asked.

"No, I haven't" she lied, she bit her lip nervously. 

"Alright, Jeremy we should do a return to the past" Aelita whispered. 

"Wait" I told them.

"Marie has been here before" I told them. Marie looked at my with a confused expression. So what if my friends abandon me, I don't want Marie lieing for my sake. She knew they would if they knew she knew about the super computer.

"So you decided to share our secret with her, you betrayed us" Ulrich said, he looked a bit hurt. 

"Smooth move Odd" William muttered.

"No it's not his fault, I came here on my own. I figured it out for myself" Marie spoke up.

"But how is that possible, the return to the past makes it so no one remembers?" Aelita asked.

"I wanted to know where you'd disappear. Sissy said that you guys had some secret. I kept remember small flashbacks of the this place. I wanted to know what my flashbacks were about, so I went looking for the place in my memory and found this place. After I found this place I just started rememering more and more each day" Marie explained.

"And your being honest, all you said was nothign but the truth?" Jeremy asked.

"I swear what I said was nothing but the truth" she told him. William, Jeremy, Aelita, and Ulrich huddled up and started whispereing something.


"So what do we do. She'll remember anyway if we do a return to the past" Yumi said. 

"She could be a back up if to many of us are busy" Aelita suggested.

"No, this is one of Odds girlfriends that she or he will just dump. I'm sorry but it's true" Ulrich pointed out.

"I hate to say it, but Ulrichs right" Yumi agreed. Odd had never had a steady relationship before and the entire school new it, too. 

"What if he ends up staying with her?" I asked.

"If he does sure fine" Ulrich said rolling his eyes. Yumi shrugged, so maybe. 

"I don't know she seems nice, so I'm okay with her in the group" Willaim said. We broke the circle and faced Odd and Marie. Jeez it was like a court decission I thought.

"Marie could join, but we're going to think about it" I declared.

"So your not mad at Odd or I, you won't abandon him?" Marie asked clearly ignoring what I said. I looked back at Yumi and Ulrich. 

"Yeah I guess we're not mad, I mean you didn't bring her here, so it's not really your fault" Aelita said. 

"You guys are the greatest" Odd said. 

"Listen we all beter go. It's midnight, if Jim catches you guys your in trouble and if my parents catch me I'm toast" Yumi pointed. After leaving the factory Yumi left us to head home while we went back to the dorms. I can't help but wonder if Odd or Marie will dump the other. They just seem to go together. I left Odd and Ulrich and walked Aelita backed to her dorm.  

"Goodnight Jeremy" Aelita whispered, her green eyes sparkling in the dim light of the hallway.

"Goodnight Aelita" I whispered back. I leaned in slightly. Nah, I'll just go I thought, instantly thinking I shouldn't. Suddenly Aelita leaned in closing the gap between our mouths. Her arms went around my neck. Aelita was a girl like no other. Pink was her natural hair color. I froze up slightly, still a bit suprised by her actions to kiss me. My nerves calmed and my fingers became tangled in her soft, beautifull hair. We pulled apart.

"I better go before Jim catches us" Aelita whispered. I nodded my head, my face heated up. All I could do was smile and nod like an idiot. Aelita laughed at my reaction, her cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink. I could hear heavy boots stomping up the stairs.

"I have to go, Jim is comming" I told her. I pulled away to quick for my liking and raced up the stairs at the end of the hallway. I ran into my room panting hard trying to catch my breath. My lips felt strange from kissing Aelita, but in a good way. It really was a shame Yumi and Ulrich didn't have a relationship like Aelita and I.

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