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"i can't even put into words how thankful i am for every single one of you guys! thanks for the love and i appreciate all of you for coming out and buying tickets for the invitation tour, and remember, this is only the beginning!"

after watching the video of myself i just took, i quickly captioned it and posted it to my instagram story.

"man, i can't believe tour is over" jack had said.
"we haven't even started our summer tour yet, just imagine all of the other fans we get to meet." k replied matter of factly. jack started to say something when my phone buzzed. 

whydontwemusic: leila commented on you your post.

intrigued, i place my tumb on the Touch ID and change my instagram from my account to the bands account.

leila i- yes
leila: answer my dm's love @imzachherron

smiling for some reason, i go to the explore page and i click on the weird message button thingy and i reload my page and see my dm's flooded with several message from most of my fans.

i type her name in the search button and come across her account, clicking on her direct messages. i read all of them and i can't help but smile again. corbyn walks into the kitchen and apparently thinks i'm insane.

"dude zach, what are you looking at?" he asks. "oh uh, im just reading my dm's from fans and this one just happened to be really sweet and I guess you caught me smiling." i stutter.

"yeah okay let me see." and before I could respond he took my phone out of my hand and started reading. "aw she sounds sweet, send something back!!" he exclaimed.

imzachherron: thank you for supporting us throughout this crazy journey. I couldn't thank you enough for all of the support you and the other fans gave us :) !

"andddd send" i say, hoping corbyn would stop bothering me. "anyway.. jack and I are going out. jonah's sleeping, and i think daniel's in the bathroom upstairs. we'll be back soon." he says.

"okay." i respond. my phone buzzed again and we had a short conversation untill jonah came downstairs and i didn't want him reading anything like corbyn did. before i gave leila an excuse that i had to go, i heard daniel screaming from the bathroom. now i have an excuse.

"zach go check on him." jonah says. "why me" i whine. "because you're the youngest." "bEcAuSe yOuRe tHe yOunGeSt" i mock jonah. heading upstairs, i start to think.

i for some reason wanted to talk to her again, but not some sappy message that i reply to most fans. i actually wanna get to know her. the real her.

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