Karna x Reader

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Amazing Chaldea is actually boring for once. Which is very odd. Normally something is happening. What is even weirder is that no one was around. Wrong wording. I meant say that it is a little creepy that no one was around. Usually I would see an employee or an servant by now. " Where is everyone?" I asked out loud.

" Don't you remember?" An male voice asked causing me to turn around fast. Standing in front of me is Solomon aka the big baddie.

" What do you mean?! Where is everyone?!" I angrily demanded. I shivered at the evil smile that appears on the man's face.

" They are all dead along with humanity. You lost in the end. It was an pitiful fight but your pale servant did do his best to protect you. Too bad you weren't strong enough to protect him and everyone." He told me sounding smug as fear grips my heart tightly. The pale servant he mention was Karna who is my boyfriend.

No! This can't be true! I won't believe this! Karna and everyone can't be dead! I refuse to believe that! Yet.... Why am I the only one here then? D-did I really get everyone killed?

I sank down to my knees in a way it would hurt. I never felt the pain instead I feel an different pain. I barely registered what was going on because I don't care if I die. I never should have been a master in the first place....


I woke up with thick and hot tears running down my face. And a very concern albino man partly sitting up on our shared bed. " K-karna?" I hesitantly called out in a weak voice.

" Are you alright, (Name)?" He asked in concern. I didn't answer as I wrap my arms around his thin yet warm body. I sigh in relief when he embraces me back. When I finally calm down, I told him about my dream.

" Karna, what if that dream is an vision of things to come? What if I fail at saving humanity?" I asked feeling so helpless. My eyes widen in surprise when he kiss my forehead. I'm used to those kinds of affection. However he never did something like that before he answers my questions.

" If I honestly thought that you were an worthless master, I would've told by now since you say I have an habit of being blunt." Karna said.

" You do have an habit of being blunt which isn't bad most of the time unless you truthfully answer questions about personal things." I point out. I still want to kick Roman where the sun won't shine after he asked if Karna and I were having sex. Plus it is still embarrassing whenever I remember that Karna openly admitted it.

" So do you think I will be able to stop Solomon?" I questioned him.

" I think it will be an task that is not easy to accomplish. However I know that you will win in the end." Karna reassured me. I smile as I snuggle up closer to him.

I think I have been waiting to hear those words for an while now. I'm just glad it was him telling me that. Before I fell asleep again, I couldn't help but think that the future is brighter than it was before thanks to my beloved boyfriend's words. 

I will save humanity with him and with my other servants.

(Next up is Male Chevalier d'Eon x Reader. After that, I will be writing Male Enkidu x Reader one shot.)

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