Caster Gilgamesh x Reader

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(I actually dislike Gilgamesh because I don't like his "I can do whatever I want because I am a king" attitude. Okay, I admit i do think he is hot sometimes, I still don't like him. But I find Caster Gilgamesh bearable than the regular Gilgamesh. Enjoy the story!)

" What are you doing, Master?" An familiar male voice asked sounding like he is seeing something bizarre. Then again I am attempting to climb to the top of one of the many tall bookshelves in the library. " I'm preparing myself to climb up cliffs in a mission!" I replied good naturedly as I glance down to look at the caster version of Gilgamesh.

" Good grief.... You really need someone to watch you 24/7. You are going to either get yourself injured or killed because of your stunts one of these days." Gilgamesh sighed in exasperation. " Hey! I don't need a babysitter! Hans and Medusa thought it was okay to let me do this! Plus this is training not an stunt!" I called down as I made it to the fourth shelf. " Then again, Hans did call me an foolish idiot. And Medusa actually left the library to find Mash." I mumbled hoping the king of Uruk didn't hear me. He didn't say anything, and I didn't bother to check and see if he was still in the library.

Well it's not like Mash can stop me now. And now I have the library to myself. I feel a sense of victory,  the moment I feel the smooth top under the palm of my right hand. This is it! I will finally show everyone I can do things by myself! Victory is mine! Unfortunately the feeling of victory is Immediately dashed. Because before I could push myself upwards. My left foot suddenly slipped causing me to fall backwards towards the ground. I let out a startled scream as I fell down. " I really am an foolish idiot!" I thought in terror while tightly closing my eyes.

I expected to hit the hard floor, but I wasn't expecting someone to catch me. " Hans was right to call you an foolish idiot, Master." My (E/C) eyes snap open in surprise. Holding me so clothes to their chest is none other than Gilgamesh. " I thought you already left." I spoke up softly instead of sounding surprise. I must have hurt my throat when I screamed. At least I hope that is the reason.

" I simply decided not to say anything. I was hoping that you would end up abandoning your training if you thought no one was around. I underestimated your-" " Stupidity, I already hear that a lot." I said finishing his sentence.

" I was about to say your stubbornness, but stupidity is a good word to describe your actions too."

" ........."

I stayed quiet. All my life I have been treated like an invalid by my family. I wasn't even allowed to use magic. I wanted to prove everyone wrong when I came to Chaldea. Unfortunately everyone here treats me like I am fragile doll. Will I ever have a chance to show everyone I am not as pathetic as I look?

" (Y/N), you shouldn't say those things about yourself." Gilgamesh spoke up with a gentle tone in his voice. Dang it! I didn't realized I was thinking out loud! Wait a minute... Did he just say my name? And what is with that tone in his voice? Usually he is either stern or exasperated with me.

" I agree with the others that you are not physically capable of doing certain tasks required to complete an mission. But your magic is really impressive for someone who never used magic until now. And you are good at encouraging all your servants. That is an admirable trait that not many mages have." Gilgamesh said as I blush heavily at his words.

" Why is my heart beating so fast? I've been around Gilgamesh a few times, but this is the first time my heart is beating like this." I thought to myself. " Senpai! Please stop what you are doing.... Umm, am I interrupting something?" Worst time for Mash to show up.

" You are not interrupting anything." Gilgamesh assured the Shielder as he places me down on a nearby couch. I can see why Robin Hood likes to take naps on this couch. It is really comfortable. I would take a nap myself if my heart will calm down. I must have zoned out because Mash is looking at me in concern. And Gilgamesh is gone. He must have left the library already.

" I'm really glad you didn't get hurt, Senpai." Mash said while sitting down next to me. " I should thank Gilgamesh later. I would have either have died or broke a bone if he wasn't here to catch me." I mumbled shyly as the image of the handsome caster holding me in his arms popped into my mind. I admit that I enjoyed feeling his warmth and the feeling of being protected. Although I have no idea why I enjoyed it.

" I think you are falling in love, Senpai." Mash softly smiled at me. I did it again!? I have the worst habit ever! Wait a minute.... What Mash just said does makes sense. I, (Y/N) (L/N) is falling for an king.

How the heck did that happened?

(The next chapter is a Sieg x Reader one shot.)

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