Nobunaga Oda x Reader

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" Master! I command you to be my minion for today!" I simply stare at the demon archer in utter confusion. I really don't understand what is going on. Three minutes ago I was reading an perfectly good book, when Nobunaga burst into my room and made the silly command.

" I'm not going to be your minion. And I'm the master, remember? So I am the one who should be commanding you instead of the other way around." I sighed even though I never command anyone before. The girl scowls and taps her left foot. Apparently she did not like my refusal.

Suddenly an wicked grin appears on her face causing me to gulp nervously. " How about this... If you become minion for today, I won't burn all your precious yaoi manga that you are hiding under your bed." The black haired girl threatened.

No way! How did she even know about them?! I make sure nobody knew about my manga! Wait a minute... How did she know that they are under my bed?!

" So what is your answer, Master~" Nobunaga purred as her wicked grin turned into a mischievous smiled.

" Fine.... I'll be your minion." I sighed. The other girl smirked as she leans over and pats the top of my head. I blush at the gesture.

" Good girl. Now get some rest. Tomorrow will be an busy day of pranks." Nobunaga snickered before she leaves my room.

Why do I have an feeling I will regret this?


" Oh my goodness, Senpai! What happened to you?!" Mash exclaimed as she rushes over to me. Poor Fou is barely holding on to her left shoulder.

" Nobunaga decided to end her prank day by dumping an whole bag of flour on me." I growled in annoyance. I have had it with that demon archer's behavior today! I am tempted to use an command spell on her!

First she got Orion in trouble with Artemis by pretending that the talking bear was trying to flirt with her. Artemis was chasing Orion around Chaldea for two hours after that.

Second Nobunaga put hot sauce in Cu's lunch.

Third she tripped Okita before she took off to hide the saber class servant's sword. Okita is currently still looking for it.

Nobunaga never needed my help because I was her final pranking victim.

Mash brushes off some flour on my shoulders. " I really think you should take an shower, Senpai. All this flour must be making you itchy." She said.

" I fully agree with you." I said as I walk towards my room still plotting my revenge.

Fourteen minutes later, I exit my bathroom with only an towel wrapped around my body. I was much calmer now. However that changes when I see the note with Nobunaga's handwriting written on it is laying on top of my bed. I pick it up and read it.

" I'm sorry for dragging you around all day. And I'm sorry for pranking you. I just wanted your attention. You've been so busy with the other servants, so I've been feeling a little neglected." I softly smile. I didn't know that she felt that way. I really should pay more attention to her. I then notice that there was more to the letter.

" P.S you should start reading some yuri manga when this is all over because I might decide to stay around." The last part has an hand drawn winking face.

My face immediately heats up. " Nobunaga!!!!" I yelled.

( Next up is Fuma Kotaro x Reader. By the way, I made an Fate series roleplay book if anyone is interested.)

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