Sieg x Reader

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" What do you mean you give me permission to date Sieg?!" I demanded in surprise after I had spit out my tea on the pure white table in the cafeteria.

Sitting across from me is none other than Jeanne. Instead of looking grossed out by the spat up tea that is currently staining the table. She is just looking at me with that soft and gentle smile of hers.

" Master, the Sieg here is just an copy. The real one is currently waiting for me in somewhere far away from here, remember? I don't have romantic feelings for the copy. And the copy has no feelings for me. However I have noticed that he has become very fond of you. I have also noticed that you are fond of him too. I know you worry about hurting my feelings, so I decided to give you permission to date him" The ruler said as EMIYA cleans up the mess.

I blankly stare at her without hearing one word of EMIYA lecture. I thought I was doing an good job on keeping my feelings for the homunculus servant an secret. "Was I being that obvious?" I asked. Jeanne just nods her head while EMIYA snickers.

I really need to learn how to be less obvious about things.

I hear the doors open behind me. EMIYA looks over my shoulder to see who just entered the cafeteria. " Looks like your homunculus just arrived." He smirked before he walks away. I feel my cheeks heat up as I partly turn around in my chair. Walking towards me is none other than Sieg.

" I shall take my leave now. I wish you good luck, Master." Jeanne said as she gets up from her chair. I mentally groan when she winks at me before she exits the cafeteria.

" What was that about?" Sieg asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't want to tell him about the conversation." Anyway.... Dr. Romani wants me and you to get some more medical supplies." I raised an eyebrow at this. I thought we weren't running low of medical supplies. Then again, Roman probably either miscalculated the supplies or he is planning something. I sincerely hope it is the former. 

" Well we better go before it gets to late." I said as I get up from my chair. I noticed Sieg staring at the stains on the table. He didn't ask about it but I can tell that he is very curious.

I just hope he doesn't ask what happened during the supply run.


I woke up to find myself laying down on a bed. Wasn't I on an supply run with Sieg? I sit up to see that I am in the infirmary. I look down to see bandages on my arms and a cast on my left leg.

What in the world happen to me?

I look around until I spot someone sitting on the chair next to the bed. Sieg was asleep but he is frowning in concern. Now I remember what happened. While we were about to go back to Chaldea, an Bicorn appeared. It knocked me down really hard. I went unconscious from the pain in my leg. However I did managed to see Sieg delivering an fatal hit to the creature.

I reach out and tentatively grab his right hand. " I'm sorry that I made you worry, Sieg. I should've been more careful." I softly apologized to him. I was about to remove my hand from his. When he suddenly entwine our fingers. I blush once I realized that he is awake.

" I fully agree that you should be more careful, but don't apologize for what happened. I doubt that anyone else would've seen or heard the bicorn before it attacked. So please don't blame yourself for the incident." Sieg told me. I felt my blush getting worse.

" Thanks Sieg." I smiled. I close my eyes for an few seconds. I hear the bed creak like someone is leaning on it. Then I feel something warm and soft pressing against my lips. I open my eyes to see that Sieg is kissing me. My eyes widen for a few seconds before I close them and kiss back.

Sometimes you really don't need words to tell someone how much you care about them because actions speak louder than words.

(Sorry for the long wait! Next up is Nobunaga Oda x Reader. After that one, I will write an Fuma Kotaro x Reader. Before I forget, masters from the Fate series can be requested now.)

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