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"Hello you must be jace and Chloe" the teacher says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes that's us" jace said looking towards the class. I looked around to see a lot of mafia members and also some 'normal' people.

"You seem to be late so unfortunately I have to give you a detention after school" she said slightly smirking

"Whatever bitch" I said causing some people to gasp and some laugh.

" how dare you. Sit down this instance" she said

"Pleasure" I said I looked across the room only to see 1 seat. I walked to the back of the class room pass the empty seat and towards 2 boys in the back.

"You are in are seats" I said towards the boys slightly smirking at them. They both gulped and quickly stood up and took there stuff away. Me and jace quickly sat down in the seats and smirked towards the class.

After the class me and jace had to leave 1) I had to do a quick 'job' and jace had to clean the mess and 2) I didn't want to be in those stupid lessons anymore. I had already completed school because I had a tutor when I was training in the old gang but apparently I had to graduate.

"Ummm Chloe we have a problem" jace said, we were currently driving back to the school for are lovely detention. Jace was currently on his phone while I was driving.

"What's up" I ask

"Well we have been kicked out of the apartment ummm because I ......ummm I through a cup of tea on the manager" he said once again looking down at his hands I just sighed not being bothered to argue with him.

"Were are we gonna go" I asked

"We can stay at the school, we can leave are stuff in the lockers and sleep on the couches in the library" he said looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Fine let's go to the apartment and pack we will think of a excuse for not going to the detention" I said it took us about 15 minutes to get to the apartment and another 45minuets to pack. When we finally arrived at the school it was 6:30 and all the teachers had gone home but the janitors were still cleaning. We slowly snuck into school and into the hall way. Without speaking a word we placed are stuff into are lockers.

Have you ever tried to fit 2 suit cases into 1 tiny locker. Well let me tell you this, it's the hardest thing ever.

Anyway after that we slowly snuck into the library and found a large sofa for both of us to sleep on. I made sure to bring a light cover for the both of us.

"Night jace" I whispered

"Goodnight Chloe" he said and they were the last words I heard before........

I was rudely awaken by 2 large hands grabbing me and putting some type of gag in my mouth I was struggling against them until I felt a wet cloth up against my nose. I new better then to breath in the clorifon. So I kicked fallward causing someone to groan and drop in pain. I then turned around and punched someone 3 times  1) in the stomach, 2)in the head and 3) right in the chest. Before I could cause anymore harm someone grabbed me from behind and cuffed my hands together.

Yep you heard me they literally hand cuffed my hands together like what's there problamo.

Before I could do anything they held the cloth up to my nose and me being the idiot I am I breath in the clorifome. Before I new it I slowly slip into darknesss....,...


I wake up with a banging head ace nothing a little medicine can't fix I go to raise my hand only to find that it is strapped down to the chair. All the memories of the kidnapping replay in my mind and if I'm honest I'm not surprised that this happens I mean there is a bounty on my head for 1.5billion so this was gonna happen sooner or later I just wish it was later. I thought I would at least make it to 20 before I die.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a groan coming from next to me. I whip my head in the direction so quickly I'm surprised I didn't get whip lash. Another groan erupts from the body its pitch black in this room or should I say cell. There are no windows the lightes are off and all that's in there is me and some other guy and a steal door that I could probaby hack or break down.

"Ugghhh......l wait Chloe it that you" says the boy who I have now realised was jace.

"Yep it me SO SHUT IT" I say causing him to wince and pull his hands up a large beeping sound goes of and then suddenly the one guy I really didn't want to see walks in Xavier king.

"Look who I have the world greatest assassin Chloe Clark and the best business man around jace Clark. And what I have heard is that your currently homeless and living in a school" he said smirking at me I held eye contact with him to show I was not scared of him.

"So what's it to you" jace said

"Well concidering you 2 are apparently known as the smartest and ruthless kids in the world I want you to join my mafia" he said now looking at jace. Jace instantly looked at me waiting for my answer.

"Yeh right piss of we don't need you" I said laughing at his little joke.

"Oh but princess it's eather you join or I kill you slow and painfully" he said taking slow steps towards me.

"First I want you to take the bounty of my head and I want a place that me and jace can stay at" I said looking him dead in the eyes.

"That's fair you will stay in the house with everyone else and don't worry about the bounty.... so do we have a deal". He said

"We do have a deal"..........

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