Chapter 22- Locked In!

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I felt really bad for breaking up with Violetta... But I was just so mad at her! I was there for her every time and I showed her how much I cared for her and even tried to set her up with Tomas so that she was happy! Even though, i had done all these things... She still didn't love me. I wanted to tell her how much she meant to me. I wanted to tell her that I was in love with her... But right now my mind is mixed up.

I decided to call her. I waited to hear her voice... But she didn't pick up. I couldn't help but think she was probably with Tomas.

I decided not to think about it and laid in my bed.



Maybe I should call Leon?

I pick my phone and tried to call him but it sends me straight to voicemail. He is definately trying to ignore me... Should I call again? No, then I will just bother him... He doesn't want to talk to me anyways. I sigh and lay down on my bed with my pajamas.


Leon and Vilu end up calling each other at the same exact time. This is the reason neither of them could pick up their phone.


Next day, Violetta doesn't want to bother Leon. Leon unfortunately thinks that she is trying to avoid him and gets annoyed.

Tomas walks up to Violetta and smiles at her.

T: i'm sorry

V: for what?

T: about you and Leon. I know I ruined everything-

V: no... erm it's ok

T: If you say so...

Violetta knew she was lying to herself but maybe this is just fate telling her to be with Tomas...

D: Hey Violetta!

Diego comes up to her and smiles.

V: Hi diego... This is Tomas...

T: uhm hey

D: oh... Hi

V: tomas this is Diego, a friend.

Diego looks hurt at the word "friend".

T: hi (tomas smiles)

D: nice to meet you (diego fake smiles but he really is jealous of Tomas for some reason)

V: well we better get to class

D and T: I can walk you.

Diego and Tomas look at each other...

V: I can go myself... Bye guys.

Violetta waves and quickly runs off to avoid awkward conversation.


Violetta is about to go to class but Ludmilla comes up to her smiling.


I haven't messed with Violetta in a while so here i go! I can't wait to make her late for class.

Also I heard Leon and her broke up! I knew they weren't going to last long... Leon makes stupid choices. I mean he broke up with me so my point is proven...

Anyways, I walk up to Violetta and smile at her.

"Violetta, I'm pretty sure Leon wants to meet you in the music closet" I say smiling.

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