Chapter 2- New School

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Let me Know if You just wanna hear the story and not these things in the beginning👌


"Violetta" is almost nothing like this story so i am sorry if you are upset that i changed a lot of the story

Fun Fact of The day:

• I speak english (main language)
• I found out about the show Violetta on a trip to Mexico
• I know a little bit of spanish!!!! ( Pero mi español no está muy bien :(, ¡Mi accento es horrible!)

❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥ (i need to shut up now)

*Two weeks in advance*

Violetta had just been woken up by a buzzing

She slammed her finger on her i-phone to try to stop her alarm. Finally, realizing she had to slide it, she got up and quickly went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get ready! It was her first day at "On Beat Studio", a school she had been waiting to get in for what felt like months. She had remembered the audition. She was nervous at the time but she felt like she sang her heart out and it actually paid off!

Angie had came in her room while Violetta was searching in her closet

Violetta: Angie i dont know what to wear!

Angie: Calm down! Vilu, you would look beautiful in anything you decide to wear . No one will say you look bad

Violetta: thanks Angie but... I dont know... I still want to look good... its my first day after all

Angie: Okay...

Angie saw a clean dark blue shirt and picked up a pink skirt to go a long with it

Angie: Here! Do you like this combination?

Violetta: Thats so nice! Thank you so much Angie.

"Welcome" Angie said leaving the room smiling.

Violetta put on her long stockings as well and headed downstairs.

German, Violetta's father came down and saw her eating breakfast.

German: Violetta are you ready for your first day?

German said smiling.

Violetta was surprised he was still okay after freaking out when she tried to convince him to attend the music school

Violetta: Yes Papa. I better leave

German: wait Violetta... Since you are meeting new people and all......

Violetta Interrupted him; " oh no not this talk again papa "

Angie came down

German: VIOLETTA you know how i feel about

"Papa, i know you are just going to say that i can make friends as long as they are not guys"

"YES thats EXACTLY what i was going to say

"papa...." violetta murmured as she began to leave

"VIOLETTA!" shouted German. "Do you Understand me? no guys!!!" German was still trying to get her attention.

Angie interrupted

Angie: oh German, let her have her fun?


Angie: Let it Go German. Take it easy its her first day aren't you excited for her?

Violetta had now left to walk to school

German: yes...... yes

Angie: Look at her

German half smiled, he was proud of his daughter.

Angie: shes figuring out who she wants to be...

German: well ok i guess... AS LONG as its not anyones GIRLFRIEND shes trying to be!

Angie patted him on the back with an "oh well" look on her face and went upstairs.

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