Not Enough

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*The song above relates to this chapter, but has the 'f' word in it.*

"Man are you even old enough to look after a baby, yanno being so young!" Gorka teased. "Yeah, alright mate," I replied. I was on the phone to Gorka as I was walking down the street with Chloe and Mollie, who was pushing Cassie's pram. "Anyway, I gotta go bud. Bye." I put my now free arm around Mollie's waist. She looked up at me and I smiled. "You two are still so loved up. It's just not fair," Chloe said and we both laughed. "O.M.G!" Chloe said after a minutes silence. "We'll cut down on the PDA if you want..." Mollie said and I laughed again. Then I saw why Chloe said "O.M.G!" Mollie must have noticed my fixed gaze on the blonde down the road because she asked, "What's up?" "That's Danielle," I said and Mollie knew instantly who I was talking about. My ex who cheated on me. "Ahhh, damn," Mollie said. "AJ," Danielle, who was now stood right infront of me, said. "Please get out of the way," I said and she replied by saying, "Awhhh, AJ has a child. That's funny, because you're a child yourself. You sure you know how to look after this little one." "Danielle," Mollie said, "Shut up and get out of the way." "AJ's a lot to handle isn't he. You know you should probably get away now like I did," Danielle said. I blushed in shame. "AJ is the kindest, funniest most caring person I know and I love him so I wont be "getting away" thanks. You get out of the way." "Ahhh she says that, but she's probably cheating on you too," Danielle said. OMG this was so embarassing! The ground opening up and swallowing me would be great any time soon. "Danielle, f*** off," Mollie and Chloe said in unison. "You know Mollie, I woudn't blame you. I mean you are, well, semi-attractive, but AJ just isn't. He's let himself slip a bit. Plus I mean, you're a model and a pop star and he's a poxy little dancer. He doesn't deserve you." Maybe what she was saying was WAS right. "He could be a plumber, a chimney sweep, be twice his size and have no theeth and I'd still love him," Mollie said, "Now GET out of the way." Danielle stepped aside and said, "Fine, but you'll get bored of him and his ugliness soon enough. And the fact he's a real baby, did you know that," Mollie and I walked past her and Chloe slapped her making her scream and then scuttle off down the road. "Are you okay?" Mollie asked me soothingly. "Yeah...yeah I'm fine," I said.

Mollie's POV
Umm, hello! Is Danielle BLIND! And she said he was a baby because he shows emotion. Hello! I don't want to be with someone who doesn't show emotion, it would be like being married to a brick wall. I love how sensitive AJ is because it shows that he has feelings and means he'll be an excellent Dad. Danielle is just a horrid person.


I woke up in the night on hearing the sound of a muffled crying. I turned over and saw AJ, with tears down his cheeks. On seeing me, he tried to franctically wipe away his tears. "What's up babe?" I asked him, already knowing and stroked his arm. "I'm just not good enough for you Molls, Danielle is right," AJ said. "Danielle is jelous, AJ. And just ridiculous. I love that you show emotion," I said. "Are you sure?" AJ asked, "Cause. Well I'm not exactlly being a proper man am I?" "That's WHY I love you, banana. Because you actually show me that you have feelings. I love it." "Okay...but I'm still not attractive enough for you, I mean you're stunning and I'm...horrid." "AJ. Are you being serious?! You couldn't BE more attractive if you tried. Plus, do looks even matter anyways. I love you because of your personality," I said and then he finally smiled. "Okay...if you're sure." "Of course I am!" I said, "Now sshhh." I moved forward and placed my lips onto his. "I love you, Molls," AJ said in between kisses and I replied, "I love you too, AJ. And always will."

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