Love At First Sight

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Mollie's POV
I heard that laugh and it made me smile. I looked up to see who it belonged to. AJ. He seemed nice. I took my lunch tray and approched the table that he, Anton and Susan were sat eating lunch at. "Hey...may I sit here?" I asked and AJ replied, "Umm yeah. Of course." I was eating my ice cream when I got some on my nose. "You have a little...on your nose." AJ said. He put his finger on my nose and wiped it off. He moved his finger down the side of my nose, down my face and stroked my chin. "That always happens." I said after a minutes silence. Anton coughed and said, "Goals." AJ shook his head at him and winked at me. It gave me butterflies. "Anyway, I'm Mollie. Hi!" "Hi!" AJ said, "And I know. I'm kinda a fan of The Saturdays. I'm AJ." "I know too. I'm kinda a fan of Strictly. I voted for you and Claudia last year." "Oh...Oh my God. Well, thanks I guess." "You're welcome," I said and giggled. Fine, maybe I was trying to flirt...but I have no shame. He seems like a nice guy and I reckon he'd be such a great partner.

I'm sat down eating, when I look up. I do a double take. Mollie King. Wow. She looked absolutley stunning. Then she came asked to sit at our table and I couldn't belive it. SHE WAS IN THE SATURDAYS. When she was eating she got some ice cream on her nose and I took it off. It gave me COMPLETE butterflies. Then Anton made a comment and I just brushed it off and winked at Mollie. I cant believe she voted for Claudia and I on last years Strictly. She seems like a nice person. I hope I get her as my partner this year.

Anton's POV
Okay, I've just witnessed a VERY cute moment between Mollie and AJ and all I'll say is watch this space...

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