Get Me To The Church On Time

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Mollie's POV
Today is the day. The day I marry the man I love more than words can explain. "Morning bride," Ellen said and kissed me on the cheek, "You need to get out of bed, love." I giggled and jumped out of our bed. He had stayed the night round Gorka's house who was his best man and Curtis, his brother, Aljaz and Neil were there too. "Do you know how AJ is?" I asked as Gemma, my chief bridesmaid, walked into the room and replied, "I knew you'd ask that, so I texted Gorka and asked him. He's nervous, but very excited." "Okay," I said and nodded, "And definatley going to show up?" "Umm, yes!" Alex exclaimed entering the room, "Now stop worrying and put your dress on. You get married in two hours!" I put the dress on. It looked like this:

"Now, no wedding is complete without a glass of champagne whilst the bride is getting ready," Laura said and Chloe handed out some champagne glasses

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"Now, no wedding is complete without a glass of champagne whilst the bride is getting ready," Laura said and Chloe handed out some champagne glasses. We all cheered and took a sip of the champagne. "Now for your hair!" Gemma said and Ellen sat me on a stool in front of my dressing table and started doing my hair. She did it like this:

"Guys!" Alex yelled, half an hour later when my make up and finishing touches had been done, "The car is here!" I walked out of the front door and got into the wedding car with my Dad

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"Guys!" Alex yelled, half an hour later when my make up and finishing touches had been done, "The car is here!" I walked out of the front door and got into the wedding car with my Dad. "Oooh! Have one of you got my vows?" I asked and Ellen said, "Yeah, Laura. See you at the church!" And with that, she shut my car door and we drove off to my future.

"And how's Mollie?" I asked, whilst putting on my suit jacket. "I texted Gemma to ask and she's the same as you. Excited and nervous," Gorka said. "And going to show up?" I asked, nervously. "You know she is, AJ! She loves you!" Curtis said and patted me on the back. "Now, tie," Aljaz said and passed me it. "He can't do them," Neil said and I remembered when everyone found out about us for real, when Mollie did my tie for me and I kissed her. "Ughh, I'll do it for him then," Gorka said and did it. I didn't kiss him! Hahah.

*At The Church*

Mollie's POV
"Ahhh, Mollie," my Dad said on the steps of the church, "You're going to have a beautiful life with AJ. I know that you love him so much and I know that he loves you too." He kissed me on the cheek and I turned to face the open church doors. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and started walking up the aisle. Music started and the vicar said, "All rise." Everyone stood up and AJ turned to face me. He smiled and winked at me. I saw the rest of the pro's from Strictly, the celebs of 2017 and my Saturdays girls all sat on the pews and of course our families. His parents nodded at me and his brother winked at me. I reached AJ at the front of the church and he took my hand. My Dad hugged me and sat down in the front pew to my left and Gemma, Alex, Chloe, Ellen and Laura as my bridesmaids, sat down after following me up the aisle. "You may be seated," the Vicar said, "We gather here today to unite these two people in marriage. Today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essance of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, as companion, as friend. Now we ask them to say first the traditional vows and then they're own personal ones. AJ," the Vicar nods at AJ and he starts, "I, Alex Joeseph Pritchard, take you, Mollie Elizabeth King to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." Then I said, "I, Mollie Elizabeth King, take you, Alex Joespeh Pritchard," I then remembered that time in the girls make up room on Strictly, when I teased him by calling him his full name, "To be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." "Now your personal vows," the Vicar said. AJ went first, "Mollie, when thinking about what to say today, I realised I could talk forever. Talk about how beautiful, funny, kind and selfless you are. About how I love you more and more each day. I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much. People tell my I'm to young to be getting married, but they don't realise just how much I love you, with my every heartbeat, my every moment. You're the reason I smile more every day. You mean the absolute world to me and I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Then it was my turn and I said, "AJ, you have inproved my confidence immensely. I'm so lucky I found you, someone who respects me for who I am. I love how paitent and kind and caring and cheeky you are you and I love you, so much. You're my everyting. My every breath, my every move. You're my hero."

*At The After Party*

Well, our first dance had to be to 'Can't Smile Without You' really. As we were dancing AJ said, "You look absolutely gorgeous, Mollie Pritchard." I replied, "You don't look too bad yourself, my husband," and remembered when I said that when we were first paired together on Strictly. And I thought, 'We've shared so much together, this is going to last forever.'

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