With a kitty

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A/n: warning more cussing will be added to the story, have fun........... for now

MWUHAHHAHAH, and  don't play the song yet

Disclaimer: I do not own the video nor the songs used, all songs owned by Imagine Dragons

3rd P.O.V

A young red hooded girl could be seen leaning against her palm while staying seated in a chair that will be used in the dance

Weiss then slapped two different colored paper onto the table for a representation of the tablecloths color that will be used

Weiss: I need you to pick a tablecloth

Ruby then looks towards the power

Ruby: aren't they both the same?

Weiss: I don't even know why I asked

She then picks both of the papers up and walks away as Yang could be seen in the background carrying a massive black speaker as she sets it down and walks up to Ruby

Yang :so, have you picked out a dress yet?

Ruby:what's the point? Who cares about the dance if if Blake isn't going

Yang: oh trust me, she's going

Ruby:How do you know?

Yang: I might of had the help of a guy who can obliterate us in a second *at least she knows her place*

Y/n's P.O.V

What was I doing while Team RWBY settles up the dance? Boiling my mouth in that kitchen,that's fucking what. As of Yesterday I've had tasted what a Schnee's liquid tastes like and so does Jake, so he's basically scarred for life since his mother is a Schnee and Weiss is basically his Aunt, kinky

I step out of the kitchen as I sit down to next to one broken Jake with his head slugged back

Jake: I'm never eating cookies ever again

Me: That makes two of u-

I suddenly get shot from outside the window as I stoped it with two of my fingers

Me: and would ya look at here it's a fucking shotgun shell, I wonder who fucking uses them!! *clearly pissed about last chapter*

I inspected it as I see a note attached to it

Meet me at the classroom located in the paper, I REALLY need you to help Blake please

From your lovingly sister, Yang

P.S. Don't get all smoochy, if you do, I won't tell

I get an annoyed tick mark as I went towards the classroom that was named on the paper

I stood I front of the door as I turned the handle, Right in front of me was Blake sitting on a desk

Honesty (Abused and Neglected reader x RWBY) vol 2{Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now