Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

When I dialed the number, all I knew was that I needed a distraction. As I listened to the seemingly endless ringing, I thought about who I should be calling instead. My mother, who hasn't heard from me in weeks and has no idea that I'm going to be a father and she's going to be a grandma, she deserves a call. I could have even called David, met up with him downstairs and told him the news too, along with thanking him for taking care of Charlie anytime I didn't feel like coming back home. I honestly could have called anyone else but for some reason there was one person I thoughtlessly dialed.


"Hey Maddy."


I drum my index fingers on the table in front of me, my leg bouncing up and down as I wait for Madison in the small booth I'm sat up in. I'm still not sure why Maddy was the first person I thought to call, but here I am, at one of my favorite restaurants, waiting for her to arrive. I pull out my phone to text Niall and make sure he's made it to London safely.

Safe and sound ! The restaurant is a mess ! Ill call you tonight !

I smile at my phone and send a quick reply, telling him I miss him already and slide my phone back into my pocket. As I look up, Maddy is sliding into the booth, sitting opposite from me.

"I know that I'm only like 2 months into this, but there is no way I'll make it to 9. I'm so moody, I crave literally every food on the planet at all times, and don't even get me started on the morning sickness." She immediately starts. 

I give a soft laugh at her exasperation. 

"Don't laugh at me, this is awful." She says with a smile. 

I let out a laugh, enjoying the ability to relax around Maddy, knowing that even in this insanely weird situation, we're able to be friends. 

"How about to apologize for laughing, you can order anything and everything you want from the menu? My treat." I smile. 

"You're really offering that to a pregnant woman, Harry? I don't think you understand what I mean when I say I crave literally everything." 

"I get it, I just think I owe you a lot and I'd like to start with this." 

Maddy gave me a small smile before taking a sip of water. "So how is everything? Niall and all that." 

"We had a pretty rough night last night. Niall left for London today." 

"Did you guys break up? What happened?" Maddy sat straight up and leaned forward.

"Oh, no! Nothing like that! Last night we had an... unexpected visitor that gave Niall some bad news. He has to spend some time in London to take care of his restaurant over there." I glance down at my menu to look away from Maddy. I wanted to meet to distract myself from Niall, not to get all worked up over him leaving again.

"Miss him already?" She smirks at me.

I look up at her. "Is it that obvious?" I smile and cover my face with my hand. 

"You must really love him." She says softly.

I let a few moments pass. "I do." I say just above a whisper.

Maddy gives me a small smile and we sit in silence as we look over our menus. The waitress comes soon after, taking our massive order and leaving us to our silence again. 

"So is being pregnant really that bad?" I ask, breaking the silence.

Maddy laughs, "It can be." She looks down and places a hand on her stomach. "But I'm sure it'll all be worth it." 



Hey guys! So this is literally like 600 words, I know it's shorter than like anything and it's not even really a chapter and I'm sorry! It's been well over a month since I last updated (has it been like 2 months??) and I apologize! But as you can see this story is on hold and I don't know if I'll continue it. I sort of know where I want to go with it but I don't feel any motivation to write... It took me hours just to write this little tiny snippet of a chapter just because I'm not feeling this story at all. I really apologize to anyone who really enjoyed this story, there's still a chance I'll continue it if you guys want me to, but if no one really cares I might just be done with it. I've had some time this summer to write it but, like I said I don't feel the motivation. I'm taking a year off school but I'll hopefully be working full time so even if I continue to write it the updates will be very slow. Please let me know your opinions on the story and where you'd like to see it go! I do love writing but when I write this story I just feel like such a poor writer and I'm just not into it. 

Thank you guys for being with me throughout this story so far, and possibly into the future. It means so much to me that anyone at all takes the time to read, vote and comment. I love you guys so much.<3 And again I apologize for the wait and the length of this chapter. :)

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