Chapter 16

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This chapter involves some sexual stuff so, be ready;

Harry’s POV

Working alongside Madison is much easier after our talk. We don't have any sort of awkward air between us. We’re able to get closer to where we were before this all happened, acting like friends and joking with each other as though this isn't the weirdest situation ever. It feels amazing to be where I am, happy with Niall and on good terms with Madison. I know that the peace won’t last for long so I’m doing everything I can to enjoy it while it lasts.


“There’s no way! There’s no way!” I hear Madison cheer at Niall, who’s currently shoving as many grapes into his mouth as he possibly can. We just finished closing up the restaurant for the night and somehow we ended up sitting at a table together, Madison betting Niall that he couldn’t fit 30 grapes in his mouth all at once. He’s currently at 25.

“This is so unsafe, Niall. What do we do if you choke?!” I feel as though I’m the only sensible one here. Niall just shakes his head at me, his extremely full cheeks showing his attempt at a smile.

“You only have 5 more, you'll be fine as long as you don’t start laughing.” Madison teases and Niall immediately throws his head forward, juice spilling out of his mouth as he spits out the numerous squished grapes and coughs before laughing his loud cackle.

“I knew you couldn’t do it! You owe me free dinners for a week!” Madison laughs with him and he nods at her.

“Alright, alright. I could have done it if you all would have just shut up.” Niall winks at me with a wide smile.

“Now that we’re done putting your life on the line, is it time to go home? We’ve gotta be in at 8 am tomorrow.” I laugh, ruffling up Niall’s hair.

“I guess it is getting pretty late.” Madison sighs and begins gathering up her things. “You guys want help cleaning up?”

“Nah, we’re alright.” I smile at her, giving her a quick hug. “See you on Monday, right?” I ask as I walk towards the kitchen to grab a rag.

“Right.” She smiles as she begins walking toward the door.

“Walk her out to her car, ‘right Niall? I’ll clean up your mess so we can leave.” I yell from the kitchen as I wet a rag.

As I finish cleaning up the disgusting pile of mangled grapes I feel Niall wrap his arms around me. I turn in his grasp and give him a small kiss.

“I’m really glad we’re all getting along so well. It’ll make everything so much easier down the line.” Niall mentions as he puts his head into my neck.

“Me too. I’m glad you guys are getting along so well. It would have made everything awful if I had to worry about you two fighting all the time.” I wrap my arms around him and place a gentle kiss on his forehead. We stand wrapped around each other like that for minutes before we decide to finally head home.


“We have to get you a new flat. It’s not like you’re even staying at your current one anyway. When was the last time you were there?” Niall asks me as we walk hand in hand to his car the next night.

“Excuse you but I was just there not two days ago.” I mock being offended.

“Yeah, to get more clothes so you can stay at mine.” He laughs at me, unlocking the doors and getting in.

“Only because I know that you can’t sleep without me.” I tease at him.

“Oh please! It’s you that can’t sleep without me.” He smiles over at me as he starts up the car.

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