Chapter 11

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Harry’s POV

Niall sat up and crossed his legs. “I-I’ve been meaning to tell you about that. She was just asking for my advice on something… But I think you might want to talk with her yourself.”

I sat up along with him and eyed him skeptically. “What do you mean? What’s it about?”

“I don’t think she’d want me to tell you, babe.” Niall suddenly got much quieter.

I couldn’t help the pang of jealousy I felt. “You hardly even know her. Why would you be so loyal to her over me? I’m your boyfriend, aren’t I?” I tried to stay calm but I was growing more and more upset.

 “That’s why I want her to tell you. It’s kind of a big deal, honestly. I want you to talk to her about it, for your sake, not hers.”

Why would Madison go to him first? Why didn’t she just talk to me? Especially if it is such a big deal… Shit, what could it be about?

The jealousy I had been feeling was replaced with worry. I tried to relax as I straightened myself out and laid flat on my back, staring straight up at the ceiling. I felt sick as a weight in my stomach appeared as I thought about what she could possibly need to talk to me about. My mind raced as I felt Niall gently kiss my cheek and press his body against my side, laying his head on my chest.


I woke up the next morning around 8 AM, not able to get much sleep until the last hour. I reached out beside me and felt the empty bed. I sat up to look for Niall and was suddenly hit with the smell of breakfast.

I lumbered the short distance from my bedroom to the small kitchen where the welcoming smell was coming from. I found Niall in nothing but a pair of boxers with his hair as messy as could be, carefully flipping a pancake on the stove. I sauntered over to him and wrapped my arms around his bare torso, placing a gentle kiss on his neck, just below his ear.

“Good morning, gorgeous.” I smirked as he took in a sharp breath.

“Why do you sound so sexy in the morning?” Niall turned around in my arms and smiled at me as he pressed his lips against mine.

I shrugged my shoulders at him, grinning as he playfully punched my stomach with his free hand.

“You’re so stupid.” He joked as he shook his head, smiling and turning back to the skillet he was working on.

I poured myself a cup of tea and turned around, leaning against the counter. “What are you making?”

“Pancakes and bacon. Want anything else? You don’t have a whole lot.” Niall smiled at me as he began plating the food.

“I’ve been here maybe 3 times in the past 2 weeks; I haven’t needed to have anything.” I bantered with him as I began setting our places on the table.

“You’ll help me with training the newbies today, right? The schedule only includes you, Mary, Shane, Lily, and Madison for the experienced people. I want to pair one new person up with each of you to train with for the next couple of days.”

“Of course, Ni.” I smiled at him as I realized that today would be the day I’d have to talk with Madison. My smile quickly faded and I looked down at my plate of food with disgust. There’s no way I’d be able to eat with this feeling in my stomach.

“I know you’re worried, but will you please eat something? 5 bites of pancake and 1 strip of bacon, deal?”

I silently nodded at him as I forced down the food he required before solemnly watching Niall finish his plate.

Niall’s POV

I was glad to finally tell Harry that I had talked with Madison, well, he already knew but I was glad to have it all in the open, but the relief wouldn’t come until after he had talked with her. It was impossible to pretend to be okay yesterday while it was on my mind but I had to keep it together, and continue to keep it together until Harry’s learned everything. I’m nervous to say the least, but there’s no going back now. He’ll have to find out sooner or later.


Harry’s POV

“This is the easiest dish we have on the menu. All you have to do is throw this in the pan and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Cut up some onion, like this. Throw that in the pan as well, let those sit together and get your plate ready while you’re waiting. This first, laid out, just like that, got it? Then some of these, and this. Grab that pan for me, will you? There, now just sort of dump it on top, doesn’t have to be perfect. Exactly! That looks just right. Think you’ve got the hang of it?” I’ve been teaching the new girl I was assigned to, Sara, all of our dishes all morning. I feel horrible for her, if I had been assigned to someone like me, I wouldn’t learn anything.

“Haz, you’re on break. 30 minutes! Sara, you can come with me, you’ll be on break in about 15 minutes.” Niall shouted at us and winked at me. I knew that meant that when I go out back, Madison will be out there on her break as well.

I took a deep breath as I removed my apron, hanging it up before walking out the back door. I saw Madison sitting on a stack of crates, her leg jumping as she tapped her foot.

“Hey.” I simply said as I stood beside her.

She slightly jumped as she looked up at me.

“Hey Harry.” She sat up straight as she looked away.

I slowly walked over the pile of crates beside her and stacked them up so I could sit. “Niall said there was something you wanted to tell me.”

She took a deep breath with a small, “yeah” as she exhaled.

It was silent for a few moments, but I didn’t prompt her further, I could see she was trying to say something.

“Harry…I-“ Madison took a deep breath before laying her head in her hands.

“It’s okay. Just tell me.” I attempted to shift so I was closer to her.

Madison shook her head as a tear began to fall. “Harry, I’m pregnant.”



Is that too cliche? I think I know where I want to go with this and I think that you guys will like it. :) I'm sorry for the short chapter but, you know why I ended it there. ;)

Let me know what you think! Let me know where you think it'll go! I appreciate all feedback. :) 

I hope you're all having lovely days and I know that this past week was break for a lot of people so I hope you also had a good break if you had one! :) 

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