Chapter 15

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Niall’s POV

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket as I close the door of the restaurant after locking up for the night. I glance at the screen and see it’s a number I don’t recognize.

“Niall Horan.” I try to mask the annoyance in my voice from the exhaustion of a 14 hour day.

“Mr. Horan, Dean Fenton here. I apologize for calling so late but I have it written that you typically work this late during the week and I wanted to be able to get in touch with you. I just wanted to let you know that Derek has signed the contract we had written up. He’s released all rights he had owned in the restaurant. If you’d like to meet to go over those details we can, but if not I can simply send the documents to you for your records.”

Shit, I had completely forgotten about the Derek situation. “Right! Uh, I think I’ll be alright if you just send me the documents, unless there are important details that I do need to know.”

“As long as you read over the documents, you should be well informed of the situation. Is there anything else you’ll be needing from me, Mr. Horan?”

“I think I’m all set on the legal help for now.” I give a small laugh as I open the door to my car and get in. “Thank you for all of your help, sir.”

“It’s my pleasure, Mr. Horan. Don’t hesitate to give me a call if you need any help in the future.”

I hear a click and set my phone in the center console. I drive home as fast as I can to give Harry the news.


Harry’s POV

I jolted awake when I heard Niall’s front door slam shut, followed by Niall whispering “sorry” before he rushed over to me. I slowly sat up on the couch where I had accidentally fallen asleep waiting for Niall to come home, barely able to open my eyes. Niall kneeled in front of me, with an enormous grin on his face and his eyes alight with happiness.

“Guess who I just got off the phone with?!” Niall excitedly asked as he grabbed onto my shoulders, slightly shaking me as if to wake me up.

I slightly opened one eye and looked at him with a confused expression. Who could he possibly have talked to that I would know? I straightened up, lifting my arms over my head to stretch out and let out a half-“I don’t know”, half-yawn. “Who?”

“Dean! Derek signed the contract, I officially have full rights and we’re completely done with him!”

Holy shit. Amongst all of the Madison shit and everything else, I had completely forgotten about Derek.

“Oh my god!” I stood up, pulling him up with me and wrapped my arms around him. “That’s such a relief, holy shit.” I turned my head and gave him a quick kiss on the neck and pulled him into me tighter.

“I know. I had almost completely forgotten about the whole thing and now I actually can! Forever!” Niall pulled back with the huge smile on his face never leaving it.

“It’s pretty late… Do you still wanna do something to celebrate it?”

“It’s Wednesday night, Haz. No one goes out on Wednesday nights.” Niall looked at me.

“Well, we can just do something quick here and still call it a night early enough for work tomorrow, yeah?” I ask, trying to think of what we could do. We’re in Niall’s house so there’s obviously beer somewhere-

“Just because no one goes out on Wednesday nights doesn’t mean we can’t. Don’t you know me at all?” Niall grins at me and ruffs up my hair. “Get some clothes on, I’ll be in the car!” Niall runs out the door and I stand in the small living area for a moment, slowly shaking my head and grinning like an idiot.


“How did your talk go with Madison, then?” Niall turned to me while he sat in his stool up at the crowded bar. Evidently we aren’t the only ones who go out on Wednesdays.

“It actually went well. She’s happy with the decision I made. I think she’s just glad to know she’ll have someone’s support, you know? And I guess we’re a packaged deal so she’ll for sure have both of us.” I smile at him and take a long drink from my glass. “I think it’s all going to be okay. I know it’ll be weird but I don’t know. I think Maddy and I were always just good friends the whole time anyway. It’s not like we were ever in love. It just took me seeing you again to realize that.”

A smile spreads on Niall’s face and he slowly nods before he finishes off his second glass. “Do you know how far along she is?”

“She said 6 weeks I think. I don’t really know what that means. Is that a good thing?”

“Oh my god, babe. You’re hopeless.” Niall laughs at me. “It’s not really a good or bad thing, it’s just a fact. The baby’s just starting to form, it’s turning into the tiny little peanut it’ll be; its ears and stuff start to form around then I think.” He waves to the bartender for another pint.

“Did you just say it would be a peanut?” I let out a small laugh as I look at him.

Niall looks at me and I see embarrassment flash behind his eyes. “Uh, I guess? It just kind of slipped out. I call small stuff peanut sometimes. Like little dogs and stuff. I don’t know.” He rambles.

I let out a full laugh. “God, you are so adorable.” I smile at him and take another drink. “Peanut. I like it. That’ll have to be its nickname.” Niall grins at me and we fall into a comfortable silence, my hand on his thigh gently squeezing every once in a while.

“But really, babe. You should start doing at least some research on pregnancy. It’ll help if you go to doctor’s appointments with Madison, you’ll know what the doctors talking about and be able to ask good questions if you need to.” He looked at me after finishing off his 3rd glass.

“I know, I’m absolutely clueless. You’ll have to help me.” I lean in closer to him and place a small kiss on his cheek in front of his ear. After 3 beers, I’m just starting to feel slightly tipsy and just want to be wrapped up in Niall. I scoot closer to him and begin to kiss down his neck, tracing lines across it with just the tip of my tongue. I suddenly feel Niall move away from me and look up at him, pouting.

“I think it’s time to get you home, babe.” He winks at me, pulling out his wallet and placing the bills on the counter. He pulls me to a standing position and wraps his arm around my waist, leading me out the door.



Oh my god this keyboard is so hard to type on. Also, when will I ever have a long chapter omfg

Anyway, I was just rereading back through the chapters and I noticed a few small inconsistencies. Pretty minor things but they’re still there and I just want to say sorry! If anyone is just starting out the story and reads through the chapters all at once I’m sure you notice them and I apologize. I always had so much going on (and often a large amount of time) between writing chapters and I would forget little details. On that same note, I’m not sure how happy I am with this story! I’m doing what I can but I just wish I could scrap the whole thing and start over sometimes. I’ll of course do my best to finish it but guys, I am really sorry for the low quality of work I’m putting out for you. I don’t know if it’s just me not really feeling this story any more but I feel like my writing has gone to shit as well, but I’m working on it. I hope you guys are still enjoying it. <3 I love you guys!

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