Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Tristons pov
I planned on josh coming over today, him and haley are really close, so I think they will both be excited to see each other. Haley was still sleeping when I got up, and my mom was working so we had the house to ourselves today. I decided to make us both breakfast. She finally woke up and she came downstairs looking so adorable and sleepy. We both had breakfast and then her dad came to get her so she could go home and get ready. While she was gone I decided to have josh come over so he could surprise her when she got back.

Haley's pov
I got back to Tristons house at 1pm. When the door opened I saw josh, and jumped right into his arms. I was so happy to see him!!! Triston and josh were my bestfriends and I haven't seen Josh in like 4 months. We all went to the living room to play call of duty... I totally suck at it, but I love playing it haha. It's summer and my dad told me I was staying in Missouri for the whole summer, that means I'll see Triston and Josh all the time ! After we played cod, we went outside and had a water balloon fight, which was not fair because they decided to gang up on me. Triston asked Josh and I if we both wanted to sleepover. I called my dad and he finally gave into me! I'm so excited! After dinner we all went downstairs and did karaoke, and we had a dance off lol. Josh and Triston are like practically famous, especially on younow. They are part of an anti bullying group, which is awesome! We made broadcasted and we did a grind off, to see who was a better grinder... I totally lost haha.

Josh's pov
Wow I know haley and triston are dating and all, but after being best friends with haley for years, I can't help but have some feelings for her....she's so pretty and very outgoing, and she's just so little. She's 5 feet tall, and I'm a little over 6 feet. Sometimes I wish I got to her before Triston did.

Haley's pov
It was getting late so we all got abunch of blankets and crashed on the floor in the living room. I slept in the middle. And I can't believe this, but josh is really cute... I know he is older and everything, but I can't help but have little feelings for him. Triston gave me tons of kisses before I went to bed. I woke up at 5am and I could feel arms around me, I thought it was Triston, but then I realized it was josh just cuddling. Both the guys were asleep. I went back to bed for like 5 hours. When I woke up Triston and Josh were both on the couch, playing cod. I got up and sat on Tristons lap.

Tristons pov
Haley came to sit on my lap, she is so little. I wrapped my arms around her, and kissed her on the cheek. Her dad was coming at 12pm to pick her up. I never want to let her out of my arms.

Haley's pov
My dad showed up and I gave Triston and Josh hugs and then left. I took a shower and got ready at my house, then I layed on my bed and checked my phone. I had few notifications and a text from josh, that I opened first.
King josh😏😜: hey I had a lot of fun last night and I'm really happy you are down here for the summer!
Me: sameee we are going to be chilling a lot !
King josh😏😜: no doubt ! Oh and Triston invited us to go to the beach this weekend, so you wanna go?
Me: yeah sounds good. But I'm about to make a broadcast so ttyl.
King josh😏😜: alrighty have fun. Text me laterrr!!!!

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