Day Four in Hawaii

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I wake up in the Summeralls, boys room. I see Dylan and Brec in one bed and Hunter in another. I was sleeping in the same bed as Hayden, but it wasn't weird because he doesn't when he spends the night at our apartment, we had to do it on set for chicken girls, and because dad would rather have and him sleep in the same bed then Annie because they are dating, dad is over protective, and Annie and Hayden are awkward. I'm not that awkward. I turn to look at Hayden to see... A CLOWN!!! I scream I am petrified of clowns! They are creepy and awful. All of a sudden the clown laughs. Wait, I know that laugh. "Hayden you scared me to death!" He just continued to laugh and I heard everyone else join in on the laughter. "You guys knew!" I said clearly annoyed. Brec nodded and Dylan said "Welcome to the Summerall life" Dylan said back to me and I just rolled my eyes and see they vlogged the whole thing for the Bratayley channel. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the camera and vlogged. "So you just saw that they pranked me and I'm not that happy about it" I saw while looking over giving Hayden the stank eye. He laughed and walked up to me and rapped his arms around my neck from behind. "I'm sorry, you forgive me?" He asked and I just giggled and said "Yeah I do" "Yayyy" I heard Hayden say and he walked away to get ready. "So anyways I'm going to get ready because I bet mom already mentioned we. Are. Going. SNORKELING!!!!!!!" I put my arms up and cheered. I then got ready. I decided to wear this.

With one of Hayden's hoodies over it since I forgot to bring one

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With one of Hayden's hoodies over it since I forgot to bring one. It was so big it went to my knees! I decided to wear it as a dress and I thought it looked nice. I put my hair in two buns on top of my head and waited for everyone else to be ready. Hayden walked out and said "You look like a mouse with big ears on your head!" He said laughing. I rolled my eyes and whatevered him and vlogged. I was speaking and then Hayden cut me off by saying "She looks like a mouse, her new name is mousie!" I rolled my eyes and vlogged a little more. Then everyone was ready so we headed out. I rode with the Summeralls on the way over to the snorkel place, which we were doing illegally. Shh don't tell Hawaii! They kept listening to bad music that me and Brec hated, and they were doing it on purpose. When we got there we were fitted for masks and Rush won by getting "77" I smiled and wished I had that one, but I knew he was watching us. He asked what it was and I didn't reply because I was deep in thought, so everyone else answered. I had number "6" I was so close! Anyways when we got to the snorkeling spot it was really rocky! Their was also a lot of chickens, oh sorry I mean roosters. Well I befriended one rooster and got it to attack Hayden, and thankfully mom was vlogging because that was comedy gold it tell ya, comedy gold. Yeah I know I'm cringe and weird, deal with it! Everyone else has. Before we went snorkeling a lady gave us a whole lesson on fish which was B-O-R-I-N-G, what does that spell, BORING! Go fish. If you can't tell I'm losing my mind. The only thing I was excited about was the turtles! I mean who wouldn't want a chubby slow poke as a pet, and I'm not trying to be sarcastic I promise! When we were talking my rooster friend came up to me and sat in my lap and started yelling at the lady to shut up. Yes I understand rooster, but only my rooster who I named Polly. "Polly I know you want her to quiet down, but you have go ok I will see you later." The lady laughed at me like I as crazy, but the rooster did exactly what I said and sat at a tree nearby. She stared at me in disbelief and I noticed dad was filming me. The the lady continued talking about turtles. A lot of my friends looked at me like I was some goddess, or the look they give me when I give them food which is pure amazement that I got them food. We were then suited up and I returned the vlog camera my mom told me to use to her since we were all in the same place. Annie found beans so I asked. "I will trade my cow for your magic beans!" Everyone laughed except Annie who didn't get it, but once everyone stopped laughing she started which caused me to giggle. We snorkeled which was a lot of fun, but the best part was when w got out and we got FOOD! I had the pineapple and omg I ended up eating it all which led to Annie getting upset she didn't get a piece. I then had to fix my hair because the buns were falling out and I didn't know we had to go in public today besides going to the snorkel place. We all decided to go shopping so I threw Hayden's hoodie back on, fixed my hair for the third time and left with the Summeralls since I was a Summerall for the day. I was in the car with Hayden but I was tired so I fell asleep, but I heard Hayden and Rush were going to watch a movie so I'm going with them. When we got back we apparently were going to the beach so I wore this with my hair in two braid

 When we got back we apparently were going to the beach so I wore this with my hair in two braid

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I have Rush and Hayden carry me down to the beach. Rush had one of my arms and legs while Hayden had the other. I got to say I felt like royalty. Annie was wearing a sun hat so I kept calling her extra and dramatic because she's a kid wearing a sun hat, plus she's my sister so I can do that but you guys can't. We swim in the ocean, but the waves were bigger today and wiped me out once causing Hayden to laugh at me, but that just means when he wiped out I laughed my head off at him which caused him to roll his eyes. If you can't tell we roll our eyes a lot. When we head back we shower, and I was now back to being a Leblanc because being a Summerall is chaotic. I change into this

  I decide to put my hair in one bun instead of two for dinner

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  I decide to put my hair in one bun instead of two for dinner. It's a little messy, but I don't care. Paige couldn't get her jeans on, but that's s different story plus she was wearing a short shirt, Annie's hair was still wet, and Hayley had her bathing suit under her clothes. We are all fashion disasters. Me and Annie decide to walk down to the store with dad, Mr.Jimmy and Hayden. Now let's skip to dinner. Annie and Hayden were holding hands under the table, Rush was giving people bunny ears, and I was taking Hayley's bun out without her knowing. I know she will be mad at me, but it's a chance I am willing to take. "ABBY!!" She yells and I laugh while mom "scolds" me. Notice the quotation marks. She was disciplining me, but she was laughing throughout it so she thought it was funny. Nothing else really exciting happened during diner so yeah. I ended up falling asleep in Hayden's room since me, Rush, and Hayden watched a movie there. I'm pretty sure Rush was staying over so now they have to deal with me in the morning. Fun for them. I'm totally planking Hayden back and I'm really excited. We are also going zip lining. Let's see how that goes.

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