Bonus part! PART 15! Lucky bastards

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Since you guys loved this book so much I'm deciding to make a little bonus part for you guys.
Thanks for all the support in this book.

Tell me what you wanna see.
What kinda books you want me to make.

Do you want a tododeku katsudeku kiribaku?? Or an x Reader

Let's get onto the bonus story


No ones POV

It was a quiet day.

The usual. Just pretty quiet. Nothing really happening. Midoriya was walking to the shops to buy some food to feed himself and that spiky haired prick he loved so little- So much. So much he loved him so much.

Bakugo was at home rolling in his bed groaning when the alarm went off.




"SHUT UP MOTHER FUCKER" Bakugo yelled breaking yet another alarm.

The perfect alarm for him. He had many backups of it. The alarm would tell him to wake the fuck up.

Where as Midoriya's alarm would sound very different.

Right on cue Midoriya's alarm went off.

Go back to sleep..
5 more minuets won't hurt..
Go back to sleep..

(I didn't even have to think XD I was like what rhymes with beep beep XD I want this alarm I just made up XD)

"UGHHH WHY DOES HIS ALARM ANNOY ME THE MOST" he turned the alarm off groaning and waking up.

Meanwhile at the shops Midoriya was getting a hell load of food and started to walk home as his phone went off in his pocket coming up with the name 'As Tough as my ass on a Friday night' He laughed so hard he forgot he had changed bakugos name on his phone.

He picked it up still laughing a bit

"Yo." Midoriya put the phone to his ear waiting for a response

"Love me. Where did you go" was all to be heard from Bakugo. He sounded like a love sick puppy.

Midoriya just laughed

"I'm at the shops oh mister bad boy that can't be separated from his boyfriend for 10minutes" Midoriya teases him knowing that Bakugo would get pissed off

"You jackass. I'll lock you out the house again."

"No you won't. Not unless you want another broken down door again."

"Point taken.." Bakugo groaned

"That's what I thought."

"Sooo who you gonna call." Bakugo was playing around now doing some ghostbusters shit

"Me. You're gonna call me. Not ghostbusters. I'll beat the fucking ghosts into their next next life."

(Yes there is meant to be two 'next' don't only read one)

"You're no fun."

"That's not what you said when you were fucking me last night"

With that people around Midoriya started spitting their drinks out

As Midoriya just laughed winking at them

"Oh god I feel sorry for the people you just winked at. Every time you say something like that in public you seem to make everyone's ears bleed" Bakugo sighed to himself

Midoriya laughed and hung up on him

He was literally so close to the house.

"Little shit" Bakugo snarled as he went out the the balcony seeing Midoriya a little far away.

"HEY SHIT FACE!" Bakugo yelled to him


"YELL LOUDER I DONT THINK THE WHOLE NEIGHBOURHOOD COULD HEAR YOUR VOICE" Midoriya yelled back as Bakugo made a 'tch' sound

It was a little while that Midoriya finally got to the house. He came in and put the groceries away

" you can put them away" Midoriya told Bakugo while smirking a bit

" why the fuck do I have to do it, you're the one who bought them!" Bakugo growled at him

"Oh yes well my darling arms have gone weak and they're now very much hurting so you shall do it before I lock you out the bedroom." Midoriya just closed eye smiled at him making Bakugo sweat drop


"Good. Now go put them away."


There was silence between the two as they just stood there looking at each other as they bursted out laughing

"Haha.. fine I'll help too. Geez you're such a goofball"

"Geez you're so cheesy." Bakugo huffed our as they put the food away.

They just laughed with each other smiling.

"They must love seeing us all over each other." Midoriya added

"Who's they?"

"The readers! Duh."

"Put the fucking forth wall back up!! I repeat put it back up!!" Bakugo yelled frantically

"You just broke it by saying that!"


"I repeat. FUCK! Wall Maria has been destroyed!"

"Who or what's wall Maria?" Midoriya tilted his head a bit

"Attack on titan duh."

"Dude Wrong anime!"

"Fuck. Just put the wall back up idiot!"

With that they started fighting about who really broke the forth wall.


it wasn't much but I hope you enjoyed it at least. Thanks for reading

Thanks for all the support as well ^^ this book was written in 20minutes if my time Le Gasp!

Haha word count is like 832 words and still counting as I'm adding the words up.

Not as much as all my other chapters like usually 1000+ words or so on.

Anyway thank you and goodbye!

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