Part 7

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Let us just get into the book already


No ones pov

Deku was sitting on the couch looking at his hand opening and closing his fist while katsuki watched from the side lines really confused as to what he was doing

Squishing an invisible monster maybe? Bakugo thought to himself really puzzled

"Uhh- what are you doing exactly?"

"Oh i forgot you were here." Deku replied with a snicker


"I forgot"

"Oh for fuck sake how hopeless are you!?" Katsuki looked at him annoyed for obvious reasons

"Quiet the contrary. Im not hopeless at all mister hot head~"

Final straw deku. Dont go making bakugo pissed if your life depended on it.

"I will fucking kill your sorry ass if you dont explain why the fuck you are here!!" He yelled at his soon to be surprised friend

"Feisty one arent you"

"Maybe-" he growled angry

"Thats not a No~" he snickered

"IT ISNT A YES EITHER!" He growled trying hard to not punch the guy sitting on his couch.

"I just came for a visit. Meeting an old friend. Y'know. Well off my villain duties thought id catch up with my number one hero~ im routing for you out there~ dont go getting yourself killed hot shot~" deku snickered smiling evilly while he saw bakugos face reden at his remarks and statements

This kinda pissed the hot head off, how could a so called villain decide to take days off. Summer vacation or what the fuck is going on

Like do villain take a day off and become normal?

Was this even fucking normal!? Deku on the couch flirting?!!

"..." katsuki stayed silent

Deku seemed to notice this so he teased a bit

"K-a-t-s-u-k-iiiii~" he stretched his name out smiling.

Making bakugos heart race a bit

"W-what do you want you pervert?"
For once in his life he stuttered.

Deku caught onto this as he would never stutter. Not one bit.

"Im not a pervert just a man with needs."

"I see no difference." Katsuki replied monotoned

"...Ouch~.... cant you loosen up a bit before i go off and kill someone again"

Katsuki didnt hear a word apart from the last part.
He could only focus on what the last part meant. What he was doing. What he wanted. Why he became the villain.

"Suki... Katsuki... katsuki!" Deku yelled looking at his friend in thought

"Huh?" He was stopped in thought interrupted by his friend yelling his name. It seemed as tho he blanked out for a second there.

"Dont think to much or you will kill the only braincells you got left." Deku started laughing at his own joke trying so hard not to start crying from the look of Bakugos face right now.

Bakugo's face seemed really annoyed confused angry and yet so innocent at the same time. He looked conflicted making deku just want to cry and die of laughter at this point in time.

"Jerk-" was the only thing that came out of the poor souls mouth.

Making deku laugh way more then he should have.

He eventually gained consciousness and stopped laughing immediately and went back to his 'normal' self in a matter of seconds

"You finally done pissing yourself over there-" bakugo sighed in relief that his fit of laughter was finally over

"Yea. So wanna come sit on my lap~ i promise  what you feel isnt my cell phone." Deku snickered to himself looking at the crimson red bakugo coming over to him

Bakugo stood right in front of him red as can be holding his hand up... and slapped him.

Deku blinked twice he really wasn't expecting that at all...

W-what just happened.. wait did he slap me? Why? Something i said? Oh wait yeah... i was being a pervert- my bad... i will take it easier on the innocent child

"E-eh sorry about that Kacchan..." he rubbed his cheek trying to ease the pain

Getting called by his childhood nickname sent a shiver up Katsukis spine.

"Just quit being a pervert" he said bolding walking away to the kitchen

"Tell me why." Bakugo continued

"Why what?" Deku looked over his shoulder to his friend a bit confused as to what he meant

"Why did you become a villain... i missed you a lot... so why... why did you run off... how did you get this wa-" before bakugo could finish deku interrupted him again

"Listen. Katsuki." He looked up at bakugo walking towards him

"I could never of become the hero so instead i became the villain. Bullied from a young age~ got told to give up on my dreams~ go kill myself. Disappearing for three years gave everyone what they wanted. So dont go aking me why im so fucked up now! You have no fucking clue what i went through!" He started getting angry at bakugo making him back away a bit

At that moment he remembered all the horrible things he said to his friend when they were younger. All the things deku went through. Losing his mother and it finally sunk in. Now he knew why he was so messed up. His mental state was just a play. He really wasnt alright at all

"Ohhhhhh noooooo~ only just sunk in didnt it bastard!" He yelled looking pissed at bakugo

Katsuki didnt know what to say or do now. He really was a villain, his mental state said it all...

"Im not fucking CrAzYYy im just here to settle things with THIS FUCKING TOWN!" Deku yelled laying down on the couch as bakugo was frozen where he stood

"and you thought all this fucking time you could get me the fuck back huh? PATHETIC! You have no fucking clue what i plan to do" deku said licking his lips with a scary smirk on his face

"I-Izuku- i-"

" 'I' WHAT?! You are sorry? You didnt mean it? Save your breathe. I should be thanking you for turning me into what i am today~"

With that being said he got up walking to the door with a smirk that could probably kill.

He pulled a knife out his pocket throwing it to the ground where bakugo stood still frozen in shock

"Cya around. Next time we meet might be on the field. No hard feelings if you end up. D.E.A.D" he spelt it out for him leaving his house slamming the door shut as he disappeared once again.

Frozen in shock bakugo fell to the ground looking at his hands (like all fucking anime characters do)

He didnt know what had happened.

Later that night bakugo went to bed rather late. Or early- being 5 in the morning that he went to sleep since he was up all night thinking about deku and everything he said.
He missed a whole day seeing as he slept like a log

Thank you asshats for reading this new chapter.

Hope you liked it

What are your thoughts?

Any ideas for the next chapter as well?

Anyway hope you enjoyed see you in the next one

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