Part 2

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Holy moly back at it again with another chapter.
Anyway lets just get into this. I think i spend to much time doing these author notes then writing the actual story XD

No ones POV

A couple days have passed already since Izuku has being acting strangely. Not much had change apart from Izukus attitude towards things. He didnt seem to care a lot anymore.

Not to mention he wouldnt cry when things happened to him.

The crybaby he use to be was long gone now.
Yet again it became monday. Inko woke Izuku up to go to school. She kissed him on the forehead waving goodbye as she smiled.

Midoriya smiled waving goodbye to his mum as he left walking for school like he always did. Like it was a normal day.

After arriving at school he sat at his desk looking at the teacher as he took notes. He then realised a piece of paper near his desk and picked it up.

It was all mean stuff about him. He scrunched it up and threw the ball of paper at Bakugos head putting his arm up.

"May i be excused please?" Midoriya asked the teacher trying his hardest not to laugh at the obviously very pissed off bakugo.

"Yes you may." The teacher added allowing midoriya to leave the classroom.

He went to the boys bathroom and washed his face up laughing. Soon followed bakugo, bursting into the boys bathrooms.

"Need to go that badly huh?" Midoriya looked over to him smiling

This seemed to really piss bakugo off as he pinned him up against the wall.

"SHITTY NERD!! YOU DONT BELONG HERE!! JUST TAKE A SWAN DIVE OFF THE ROOF OR SOMETHING! YOURE REALLY STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!!" And with that bakugo dropped him on the floor walking out in that bakugo kind of walk.

Midoriya hadnt processed what bakugo just did, he stood up brushing his clothes off with his hands.

He soon made it back to class where he would blankly stare out the window at nothing. Occasionally earning glares from his royal highness king Bakugo.

Midoriya didnt care about any death stares he was giving him. Didnt seem like he cared about much these days.

Bakugo's POV

I really dont know whats going on with deku recently... its kinda scaring me. I mean- like- deku doesnt act this way at all. Usually he is a crybaby and a shitty no good- well a no good DEKU!!

Ugh this is annoying me so fucking much!!
Why do i even care!
He is a loser!
A Quirkless freak!!
Someone who will never be Loved!

Nobody's POV

The end of the day came. Midoriya just went home without a word while bakugo was walking along the streets slowly still thinking about his childhood friend.

He really didnt know how or why midoriya was changing at all.

This bothered him way more then it should have.
After making it back home to his house he ignored his mother going straight to his room.

"OI YOU SHIT BISCUIT DONT IGNORE ME LIKE THAT!" Mitsuki yelled from down stairs

"SHUT UP YOU NO GOOD MOISTURISER!" Bakugo yelled at her back as she completely ignored what he just called her.
(For those who dont know he called her that because of her quirk)

Bakugo spent almost all night thinking about how deku has changed over the past couple of weeks. It leaved him restless unable to sleep or think about anything else but him.

Morning came and Bakugo went to school.
He was at school earlier then he usually was. Usually fashionably late.

On the other hand Midoriya asked his mum if he could stay home for the day, he told his mum he was feeling sick and wanted to stay home.

Inko agreed with her son as she smiled hugging him

"I hope you feel better soon Izuku. Want me to make you some breakfast honey?"

He nodded looking at her "Chicken noodle soup...?" He asked quietly as he smiled a bit.

He wasnt actually sick. Well you could say he was sick of all the bullshit happening at school but he wasnt actually sick.

"Of course dear!" She smiled while he sat on the couch looking at some movies

"I will bring it to you Izuku" she came over placing the food and drink on the coffee table kissing his forehead

"I have to go to work now. Will you be alright by yourself?" Inko asked smiling at her son

He nodded "Yeah i think i will be fine mum" He smiled at her waving goodbye as she went out the door.
Izuku ate his food and just looked at the Tv not bothering to get up a single time.

School started by now and midoriya was marked away. Bakugo found it strange that he didnt go to school. But didnt think anything of it.

(i am sorry for the upcoming part)

While Inko was driving to work she had to drive past Bakugos and Midoriyas school. While just outside the school a huge crash could be heard and students went running towards the windows to check it out.

Bakugo was one of the students to go to the window and see what had happened. To his surprise there was a massive car crash. A truck had slammed into a tiny car outside the school grounds.

Bakugos eyes widened and his heart dropped as he saw a female all bloody and limping then dropping to the ground.

She seemed familiar... to familiar...

That cant be...

His heart stopped as everyone then went running out to save her he was running like crazy and was met with the dead lady as he was pulled away by teachers.

"LET ME GO!! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!! THATS DEKUS MOTHER!!" Everyone looked at bakugo as they were surprised and felt really uneasy feeling a little bad about this.

"CALL MY MUM NOW!!" Bakugo yelled at the teacher as the teacher called mitsuki and she arrived on sight seeing her dead friend she started to cry and went to bakugo hugging him crying.

"Whats happeneing..."

Mutter mutter mutter...

"Apparently thats Midoriyas mother..."
"Is she dead?..."

Mutter mutter....

Bakugo was extremely upset. He hadnt known what to do. His mum took him home early and drove to midoriyas house.

"We need to tell Izuku..." mitsuki said to her son still in tears

"Right..." bakugo looked away as he said it in a sad tone of voice

Alright!! Sorry for that last bit guys. ;;

Im sad to even tho im writing it XD
Hope you liked this chapter its linger then the other one. Cya asshats in the next one.

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