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Harry wasn't kidding when he said he dances when he's drunk. After his fifth shot of vodka, he starts singing along to every song that plays over those stupidly loud speakers. And after the ninth one, the dance moves start coming out. I lose count of his drinks after that, so I really have no idea what all he has had by the time he's right and properly drunk. Apparently, it's tradition for them to have a seventies hour where they only play seventies jams, so needless to say, Harry is getting down on the dance floor. I've capped myself off with an easy five shot limit, so I'm feeling good, singing along, and Harry even ropes me into dancing with him despite the fact that I suck at dancing. I will say, the groovy music makes it a lot easier for me to dance than the trashy music they were playing earlier, so I find that I'm having a damn good time.

As far as how drunk I am right now, I'm going to go with just enough. I'm drunk enough to not care what people think of me, but I'm still sober enough to reasonably process most of the things that are going on around me. I'm really proud of myself for actually setting an alcohol limit, because I usually don't do that and end up regretting it every time. But this time, there shall be no regrets. My body feels all tingly, I don't have a case of the spins, I can still keep my eyes open, and I haven't tried to mount Harry on the dance floor... yet, so I think we're doing just fine and dandy.

Okay, maybe I'm less fine than I thought, because who the hell uses the word "dandy?"

Alexa, on the other hand, has probably had a bit too much. She's currently doing fine, but with how quickly she downed those mixed drinks, I think it might hit her really hard in a few minutes. Alexa and I are dancing rather hoeishly to Donna Summer's "I Feel Love," and if you know that song, it's understandable how things could get pretty sexy. I kind of wish Harry hadn't gone to the bathroom for this song, because I totally would have grinded on him instead of Alexa, and he would have loved it. And I don't normally grind on people, so he really is missing out on a rare opportunity. Oh, well. There will be other songs.

Several guys try to get in on the action between Alexa and I, but we shove them away rather forcefully, so they end up giving up and moving on. Just as one of these obnoxious males is trying to make a move on us, the music stops rather suddenly, and we hear the sound of someone speaking over a microphone. It takes me a second to process what the hell is happening, but once I realize that it's Harry on the mic, I begin to drag Alexa through the crowd to get to the front where the stage is. No one has been up there all night, aside from the people who so foolishly have decided to dance on a raised surface, only to fall off of it, so I'm a little confused.

It's kind of hard to focus on the words Harry is saying because of the buzzing in my head, but whatever it is he's saying, everyone seems to be enjoying it. I do, however, catch one bit of his little speech that sparks my attention.

Harry waves at me from the stage then looks out to the crowd of people who are cheering him on. "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Harry," Harry begins, his words coming out rather blurred together. "During my freshman year, I stole the mic and sang a special song that means a lot to me." Harry's friends from around the room start hollering, and I am left to be rather confused seeing as how Harry has never told me this story. "And every year since, I have continued to be the legend that I am by singing said song."

Ha, drunk Harry is a cocky son of a bitch.

"But now, my friends, I will make my last performance." He stumbles sideways and gets tangled in the chord, but still keeps speaking. "I'm much drunker than I was last year, so you can thank Camryn if I fall off of this thing." Everyone cheers, and though I'm worried that he's going to hurt himself, I laugh along with them and scream for Harry to sing whatever song that supposedly means so much to him. I know he loves that dramatic love song from Titanic, so if he starts singing that, I'm going to piss myself laughing at how cheesy he is.

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