
I try to grab her arm before she has time to open the door but she pulls away harshly with her jaw set and her eyes blazing with anger. I don't fight back any longer because I've realized how it must sound to her, and if I were in her shoes, I'd probably hate me too. It sounded completely bizarre.

But her words truly stung.

The door slams shut behind her and I lean back against my seat, sighing softly. The pool in front of me looks inviting, so I'd get rid of this stressful and irritation life of mine with a calm and peaceful swim. That way I could think through everything that's happened, and what exactly I can do to keep from making her life miserable.

Part of me thought that she could be right about her mother. There was no way she could be alive after confirmation of her death, and with everything happening so suddenly I feel quite stupid about confronting her about it. Even if she were alive, why would Lauren call her? It would break her. The woman who watched her suffer everyday, who shared her experience. It would take me weeks or maybe months before I got the balls to talk to my mother given the current circumstances.

I swallow away the embarrassment clear inside me and take a deep breath, rubbing my temple to get rid of the pain and pulsing feeling I had gotten ever since she read the note.

I can only picture the expression on her face as her she read the words from the note, clearly not believing each stroke of the pen that was used to write such note. The look of insecurity and embarrassment, like she was ashamed of the truth. Why, though? Why did that look of anger flash just momentarily before she became ashamed? Was it something I said?

I sigh. Did she think I wrote the fucking note?

I don't think I would have the balls to write something like that even if I did hate her. It was just an inhumane act. An act of something who had yet to posses a soul.

After taking a good look at the girls inside the living room, seemingly minding their own business and chatting away after the stunt Lauren had pulled. Without a single doubt, I grab the wrinkled and slightly torn paper off the ground and read over the words again.

"Fuck it," I mutter under my breath, pulling my cellphone out of my pocket before closely inspecting the number on the sticky note. Dialing each digit carefully, I take one more deep breath before bringing it up to my ear.

No more than two rings echoed inside my ear before I hear a frantic response on the other side of the line. It was a breathy 'Hello', sounding so desperate, it takes me a good five seconds to respond right away.

I was still quite shaken up by the fact that someone had actually answered her number and I could only stare at the pool in front of me with a wide open mouth and wide eyes. I swallow away the moisture in my mouth after almost choking on my own saliva.

"H-hello?" I whisper.

"Lauren? Sweetie..."

My eyes flutter closed and my heart cracks for her, wanting badly to hand the phone to Lauren and push away the thought of her angry eyes out of my head. I shake my head as if the poor woman can see me and clear my throat, nervously drying my sweaty hands on my jeans. "This isn't Lauren, ma'am...I'm a... friend of hers."

The line is quiet for a few seconds and I can hear her sigh. "She didn't believe you, did she?"

I bite my bottom lip and answer quietly. "No, she didn't. I'm sorry..."

I don't understand why I'm apologizing to the woman that convinced her daughter she was dead, but at that very moment I felt like it was most appropriate. I decide that the silence on the other line is a mind full of racing thoughts and a broken heart, so I decide it's best to break the silence.

Vengeance Of Love (Camren) (G!P)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن