Chapter 4

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Mia's POV

So it's been about 2 days since Tom pulled me up on stage, I keep reliving the experience it was amazing. The way he looked at me, was special, it looked different to how he woukd look at a normal person or fan. I felt a connection. But I know I would be the only one feeling it.

These past couple of days lying in a hostpital bed was hell. No wifi, which meant no twitter. Looking at these boring 4 white plain walls was starting to drive me insane, I can't believe how much lying down hurt. Well any postion hurt to be perfectly honset with you. Side. Hurt. Back. Hurt. Stomach. Hurt. Nothing was comfortable, and my movement was restricted from these stupid fucking tubes coming out of me left right and centre. Did I mention it was hell?

I had a Doctor come visit it me every few hours to check if I was ok, but I can't complain I liked the company and a bonus was that he was hot. He had his brown hair sweeped up in a messy style but combed, with bright blue eyes and the biggest smile. He also had tattoos. OMG.I don't really remember what had happened, the last memory I have was Tom singing to me and then black. Complete and utter darkness. Appartently I fainted but bashed my head pretty hard on a speaker and landed on  my back awkwardly or something? It's hard to remember all these technical terms. I had nothing to do all day, all night, I was bored. I had my music which gave me a little glow of happiness as it was my favourite band. McFly. Who could fault them right? I have been a fan since I can remember! I have had posters plastered over my bedroom wall for years, and their music blasting non stop! I was brought up with rock, and I like rock but McFly felt like it was my little trreasure, the key to my happiness and the thing that made me smile everyday! No-one has ever understood my love/ obssession for them, they just find it weird and creeepy that I am so dependent on four guys. But what can I say? I don't expect them to understand, why would they?

It's probably around 5:30 now, and I have just lead heredoing nothing. Just the usual. I have spent two days here and I am bored out of my mind already. I just need someone to talk to! My own mind is going mad. I keep thinking about Tom and our moment, what would he thinking right now and how was he thinking? I mean he would probably care that a fan went to hospital but his life is busy, he has probably forgot about me. The truth hurt, it was like a kick in the balls.

I was just drifting off into a sleep, and I saw a shadow swoop past my door with a sudden knock at my door..

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