Chapter 1

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Sorry for a really long chapter, but this is my second story and I will hopefully be uploading a new chapter everyday woo!!

Did I tell you about the time I nearly died? Well it wasn't really a near death experience, but it's close enough.I have many stories to tell, but this one is the one that stays on repeat in my mind.

It was just a normal day in May, the sun was shining but partly cloudy and the air smelt of fresh flowers, however today was just a bit more exciting than just the ordinary day. I was up early, around 7am and I was buzzing with happiness for the day that led ahead. The sky was a piercing blue and the sun was shining brighter than usual, surely that was a good sign right? It was probably around 7:30am when I finally managed to pull myself out of bed and hopped into the shower. I did my normal morning routine, wake up, shower, make-up, hair, get dressed and text Caitlin back,but today I put more effort into how I looked, as today was special. today would be truely amazing. Today I was going to see my idol.

As I am quite short I decided to wear high shoes so I had a better view, even though I quite near the front I wanted to get a better staring spot for my role model. Yes. Creppy. But oh well.

We were on the way to the arena . By this time it was around 2:30pm and we arrived at 3:30pm the gates didn't open until 6:30, but we wanted to get to the front of the queue. You know how it is being a fangirl and how important it is getting there super early to a concert right? The one thing that no parent understands! The perks of leading a fandom life, well what can I say being a fangirl is far more exciting and a way to live your life as an adventure rather than being a boring old wrinkle bag. I wore my hair half up half down in curls, my leggins, my tour t-shirt and denim jacket. We were the only ones there, well apart fromt the rich brats who could afford £160+ for a ticket to be at the front of the arena in the one and only OMFG zone.

Oh and by the way by we I mean me and my bestfriend, Caitlin.

I'm just going to skip the next part and go straight into the next part to when we were inside as I am sure you are bored of me speaking about me and Caitlin standing outside the arena... We were near the front of the queue.. AGAIN, but I got a braclet, t-shirt, programme and OMFG tin. This tin included signed drumsticks, signed guitar plectrums, a poster and if you were lucky you had the chance of winning OMFG zone tickets. Ony 10 tins of about 20.000 had these tickets in. It would be like winning the lottery if you found them lying in the tin.

Caitlin and I went to go sit down on these really uncomfortable green seats before we were aloud to go into our block. So we took a look at our merchandise we had just purchased. I decided to open the tin first, as I knew I hadn't won anything. Just getting the dissapointing part over and done with. As my hand hovered over the lid of the tin a rush of excitment lite up my tiny little person, with trembeling hands I carefully took of the lid and closed my eyes, so what led ahead didn't upset me.

I was wrong.

So wrong.

Clear bundles of joy, better known as tears cascaded down my shaking pale face as I tried to gasp for air. It felt like my lungs were caving in, not letting any air to come in or out. I pulled out the two strips of paper that read OMFG ZONE. I had won.. I had actually won something in my life. I can't say I didn't have a camera worhty reaction or a 'you've been framed' moment, because I did. I really did. I fell to the floor crying shaking, hyperventilating, everything under the sun I was doing. I couldn't move. Not one bit of body would move. I now know what it feels like to be paralyzed with shock, but in a happy way. A very happy way. I was over the moon.

So your probably thinking that was the 'time I nearly died' well no, it was a close one but it isn't the end of the story yet. Nowhere near.

We were finally let in, with our brand new shiny OMFG passes. I know I am small but that arena was massive, the stage looked amazing! We got to the OMFG one which is a large space in the middle of the stage. We got right to the barrier in front of my idols microphone. By this point I was still shaking from winning the once in a life time tickets, yes that was nearly over an hour ago, I was still in shock.

A rush of heat invaded the air, as fireworks and firebombs exploded out of the stage. Smoke puffed out of the top as tens of thousnads of ligths beamed and blinded us as they lite up the atmosphere. The sound of screaming fans rung in my ears as all of us had butterflies in our tummies waiting for the six people who made our lives complete.

There they were. On the stage. Standing right before my eyes. Tom looked perfect as usual. His bleach blond hair spiked and styled in his usual way, his glasses that framed his face circling his big brown dreamy eyes that oozed with love and affection, his dimple that showed proudly and his adorable smile. He looked gorgeous. The rift to Air Hostess started playing as we all jumped and sang all the way through.

It came near to the end of the concert, and they were just about to play all about you. Me and Tom had plenty of interactions and I even touched James Bourne's guitar. They were playing the introduction to all about you and Tom locked eyes with me. He kept eye contact with me and did his dimple smile. He reached out his hand to me and pulled me onto the stage. My heart started to beat so fast it felt like it was coming out of my chest. I put one leg after the other onto the stage. Each step getting closer to him. The warmth of his hand sent tingles down my spine. He pulled me close to him, that not even a fly could come between us. Tom Fletcher was giving me a hug. Tom fucking Fletcher. I felt his muscly arms wrap around me as he nusled his head into my neck, with the warmth of his soft gentle breathing lifitng the hairs on the back of my neck. He placed his head on top of mine as his breath blew my hair, I could hear the crowd cheer 'awww!' as he said to me

"Are you ok?" I nodded as no words left my mouth. My whole body started to tremble as he lifted the side if his mouth into a smile as he came back to me for another hug, as his his hands lowered down my back before stopping just above my bum, as he whispered

"meet me out by the back of the tour bus after the show" and after that he squeezed me and then pulled away. His mouth opened again but this time the lyrics "all about you" came out into a beautiful tune. Pure white and scarlet confetti fell down, swirling around me. His hand let go of mine as he started to play his acoustic guitar. Thomas Michael Fletcher was serenading me on stage infront of 20.000 people, 40,000 eyes were on me. My eyes started going blurry, I could hear my blood pumping around my head "thump thump", I started spinning as beads of sweat cascaded down my forehead. My ears were ringing. I could feel my heart doing irregular beats.

Everything went black.

I can remember feeling a sharp pain pierce my skin and the sound of voices spun around like a whirlpool in my brain. I could hear constant beeping sounds that penetrated the air, and an odour of bleach and chemicals wafted around.

My head was fuzzy, and my body ached from head to toe. What seemed like 1000 people surrounded me as I felt myself being pushed onto a hard surface s bright lights and weird people with masks clouded my vision. I could hear out of the murmur of voices someone say "we need to wake her up". Another sharp pain dug into my arm, and my eyes shot open.

It's all a game of chance they say in WonderlandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon