Are you okay?

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Am I okay? Yes. Yes I am. I'm breathing, walking, talking. I am healthy.

Or maybe I said yes because it was the right thing to say.

In all honesty, when you asked me that question. That one question that is so generically processed in our minds, but yet, so powerful

"Are you okay?"

I'm not. I am totally paralyzed, incapacitated by you. You have literally torn me apart. Piece by piece. I feel it everyday.


Little pieces of reality remind me of you. Thats what hurts more.

You broke it down to me, crystal clear and made me understand. Those moments I replay in my mind. Breaking me even more.

What hurt even more was my reality. Before and after you.

"You know nothing about reality"

I totally left my hard as steel morals and values for you. I let myself go, became vulnerable to accommodate you.

I gave into you

The things I gave up to have you.

The things I did to entertain you.

Things I swore I would never do.

All for you.

Vulnerability becomes stupidity.

I was stupid.

To give myself up.

But I never want to forget you.

I could never forget you.

It's impossible to leave you.

Poetic I know.

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