Fascination ..

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  "Or else. ..I will kiss you. .."

There was a strong silence. ..more than that she was dumbfounded. ..that fraction of second, she stood froze was more than enough for him to go. ..

   Did he actually said like that. .?

Sumo couldn't conclude his thought waves. ..

Did he mean it actually. .?

  Perhaps he would have taunted her to make his way out. ..yet  in other senses , his  gestures  weren't shallow. ..

Suman sat silent. ..she wasn't expecting his mischievous or so soft side for her. ..infact, she was drawing close to him. ..

What is drawing me close to him. .?

She had no idea honestly. ..she met him accidentally that is obviously a glitch. .He had no valid points to be loved. ..yet, from day one he had been on good books of her. ..

  Might be a fascination. .?

but, she isn't a amature girl who believes in love at first sight or in  the stupidity of coincidences that happens as in Indian movies. ..

Something, that was indescribable made her to like him. ..

As of now. ..only liking. ..

   her wavy thoughts didn't put a full stop from thinking him. ..

     she neither thought to escape from there nor to get any help, though the house was all hers then. ..her only thought was that sham had to return back safely. ..

Yes. ..He should comeback safely. ..

   Weirdly, she didn't sleep for a wink through the whole night. ..it was almost the next day when she drifted off involuntarily. ..


   Getting out of bed wasn't that much easy for her as she hadn't slept well the day before night. ..added, she wasn't recovered well from the viral fever. ..although the temperature settled down to normal, the body ached to the hell. ..

  She woke up at jerk and squinted at the bright sun. ..

  Stretching to ease, she got down and  thought. ..

I need a shower badly. ..I don't even remember when I  had  changed my clothes last...

   as her bags were struck at the hotel she wasn't sure what to wear  if she want to change. ..but she was badly in need of shower. ..

      Listening to blueBee 's lullaby,  She guessed that the Robin hoods were home after their night duty. ..

Today. .I had to talk him at any cost. ..

His good virtues outweighed his negatives at Sumo's view. ..she wanted to know the reason behind his shadow life. ..and importantly, she wanted to stop him from his profession that wasn't good at all. ..


     'Mmm. .n...k. ...'

BlueBee 's coo abruptly stopped to see sumo descending down the stairs. ..

   " Hey. ..hey. ..u mmman ...."

She  flew to vinodh and  insisted him to look at sumo. ..

Vinodh, who was dicing the vegetables annoyed with her and looked up. ..

An accidental glitch. ..(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now