The man of secrets

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       "Vino...vino. .."

He irritatedly rolled to the other side of the bed, pulling the sheets over head. ..

  Still, he wasn't able to strain the bright light. ..

" vino. ..where are you. .?"

He yelled impatiently. ..vinodh, who had been a  trustworthy companion pranced through the stairs to reach him. ..

" where the hell have you been. .?The sunlight is irritating. ..pull on the curtains. .."

He spoke under the sheets. ..

Vinodh laughed sarcastic. ..

" sham. ..just look at the time, it's already mid afternoon. ..i think you have forgotten   ...we have to handover the girl ..and moreover, the curtains are still on. .."

  Mid afternoon. .?We have a deal today. .?

" I don't care. .."   He managed to tug into the cozy bed again. ..

Vinodh knew sham well, his decision would be final no matter what. ..but, he knew how to handle sham. ..

Grinning wide, he pouted his lips and whistled. ...

   The very next moment  , sham got up and threw the pillow at him. ..

" stop. ..vino. .I will kill you. .."

He shouted and he was  too late  it seemed. ..

  An African grey parrot flew  to vinodh. ..striking her wings, she sat on vinodh s shoulders. ..she saw sham , sitting on  the bed and flew over him. ..

  Sham...being defeated, smiled at the parrot. ..

" Hey. ..blueBee. ..."

He extended his index finger at her. Having a seat over his finger,

"Sham. ..sham. ...guud mrng. .."

She gleefully called his name and wished good morning. ...

   " good morning babe. .."

He fondly touched her torso. ..He scooped the sunflower seed and fed her with. ..

      " vinodh.'re becoming smarter. .you have learnt to handle me. .."

   Vinodh, bowed his head theatrically to him. ..blueBee was one of sham 's weakness. He would do anything for his talking pet parrot. as she. was a weird relationship. ..and at times, vinodh needed  blueBee to manage sham 's tantrums. ..

  Sham got up and staggered to maintain his balance ..He held his temples and sat down. ..

" bloody hell. ..the hangover. ..! Vinodh. ..why you are allowing me to drink beyond the limit. .."

He asked with puppy face. ..

Vinodh rolled his eyes at him. ..

" oye. ..hello. ..this happens every day. .if you start to drink, you will forget everything. ..and  you know what. .? Yesterday,You were about to slap me when I told you to stop drinking. .."

      He told showing an angry face to him. ..sham looked up him concerned. ..

" did I. .?sorry man. .."

Vinodh clucked his tongue. .." I got used to you. ..not a big deal., we  are getting late. .."

Sham hugged him. .."you are like my big bro. .."

" dramebaaz. ..enough. ..go to hell "

He took the chance to tease him. ..

  Sham took a quick shower. he chose his favorite attire , black shirt with a faded jeans. ..gripping the silver bracelet at his wrist, he put on the cologne. ..looking at the mirror, he satisfactorily nodded by touching his gorgeous hair. ..

An accidental glitch. ..(Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz